Tuesday, December 25, 2012

To Grandma

Alright so I'm gonna set aside some time not to talk about my adventures here in Australia... that can wait.
I'm gonna talk about my Grandma! 

While I am on my mini outreach in Cairns my Grandma celebrates her birthday. And I might miss out on being able to tell her happy birthday.

So this blog is just for her and the celebration of her life!
Cause she is the greatest and deserves it all!

My grandma is one of the if not THE greatest person in my life. 
She is my hero, she is one of my greatest supporters, she is an influence to my life, and she is an example of the Woman  in Christ that I want to be. 
I'm so lucky that God gave me her as a Grandma!!
(and that she birthed my daddy and that my daddy met my mommy and then they had me! Hahahahahahhaa.)

But any who.....
I love my Grandma guys. She means so much to me! She holds a special place in my heart.

So Grandma....

I hope you have the most amazing birthday ever, you deserve it all and then ten times more! 
I wish I could be there on your birthday and give you a big hug and a kiss. But know I am giving you a big hug and kiss now! 

I love you a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck! 
Thank you for everything you have done for me and for being with me every step of the way. 

I love and miss you so, so, so much!!!! 

Love, Elissa

Isn't my Grandma just beautiful?!?!?

Love my Grandma so much! 

Okay... well I got back to Cairns today. So far it has been amazing. When I get back I will tell you all about outreach, Christmas!, and all the other adventures I had! 

     Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 

                         God bless! 

Friday, December 14, 2012


Why helloooooo all my lovely people of whom read my bloggie. 
Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi.Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi.

Hope all is well thee. 

This week was one busy-az week for this chica.
I returned home from camping and instantaneously I was just busy, busy, busy. 
I had a creative devotion, a workbook, a journal, and a paper all due on Friday and I had Christmas stuff I had to take care of and by take of I mean writing 70 Christmas cards. 
But good ole me got it all done by Wednesday. I was quite proud of myself! I'm amazed that I got it all done by then as well cause I just always seemed to have something I had to do. So praise Jesus that is all done and out of the way. Yeah, being in YWAM you remain crazy busy most of the time, I'm never bored here. I love it! 

So yeah.. this week we learned about relationships! And before I start to tell you all I learned I wanna just say that the speaker was just like my dad! It was SOOOOO weird, he was like an older/fatter version of my daddy, but his face looked just like him, especially his eyes. When he would look at me and go on calling me "Tennessee" I seriously thought my own father was looking straight at me, and his mannerisms were spot on. It was so cray. And also, his wife's name was Julie and my mother's name is Julie... mmmmm... weird.

But yeah... this week. I feel like sharing things I learned! 
So here I go, I hope you all get something out of this like I did! Hehehhe. 

1.We can all hear, God we just need to learn discernment
2. Wisdom=How to
3. Your ministry was given to you before you were born
4. Our gifts can never ever never never ever ever be taken back, durrrrrr
5.God put a piece of Himself in each of us (EEEEEEEE!!!!)
6. Key to the word heart=attitude
7.Attitudes are the birth of actions
8.Just like you get dressed everyday , you clothe your heart.
9. God is waiting on a few things, then He will show you you gift that you have always had.
10.He is just waiting for us to get our acts together.
11. He's got it, He's answered it, He is waiting for YOU
12.God wants to work with us, He doesn't have too, but He chooses too, and He isn't gonna do it without us.
13.We are part of the family business, we represent the King!
14.There are 3 types of wisdom.... God's, Worldly, and Demonic. I 
Worldly: Knowledge, understanding, wisdom
We use our head
God's: Wisdom, understanding, knowledge
This has nothing to do with the outward, it has to do with the heart
(we didn't learn about the demonic one)
15.Yeah, so I have a lot more notes and they are all on relationships with the opposite sex and with family (like mom and dad) I don't feel like going into great detail about that right now, but if you do wanna learn more about it let me know! I would love to give you notes on how to have a special relationship with someone.

So this week I feel like I matured a lot and I honestly feel like I've got more wisdom... I don't got it all(obvi) but I've grown more!  I wanna go back home and just have a better relationship with my family. I know we haven't been the most perfect family, and I know I haven't been the most perfect daughter/sister, but I wanna get things right. I wanna honor my father and mother like I have never honored before. I know at times it will be difficult, but I choose the attitude I wanna have and that will lead to my actions. I working on having a good attitude in every situation. This will be a big learning process for me. But I am ready to just grow up! 

I hope that brief little summary of what I learned this week helps in some way. I would love to write more, but I would be here all day. But honestly, I would love to share my notes with you all! I have all this new information I have learned that I am dying to go out and tell people!

Anywhooooooo...... Imma change it up a bit for you all, get this blog to be a little more exciting.

This week I went to a cookie decorating parrttaay, it was quite fun! I decorated dos(2) cookies and gave them to special people.

It's freakin' Christmas season and I am in shorts, this is just cray-cray. It's so weird to think that back at home everyone is all cold and wearing warm clothes and I am just here, tan as ever, wearing shorts and tank tops. 

                 Classic bathroom pic, LOL! 

Plus these two. Heheheh

 So yeah... YWAM Townsville has a flying car... yes A FLYING CAR. Like it drives on the land and then it can go up in the air and fly. MIND=BLOWN. Wow.... This flying car is gonna help YWAM to be able to travel back and forth all over Aussie and to PNG to go out and help others! Praise you Jesus, just thank you, thank you, thank you. It should be out and flying in about a year. And I feel extremely honored that I was able to see the flying car. Wish I could have flown in it, but seeing it in person rather than just hearing about it comes in second. 



And here is all the lunch clean up girls! I rather dislike being in the kitchen cleaning and prepping for dinner, but being with these four ladies makes it all worth it! We have so much fun jamming out to music and stuff. I love them so much! 

Yesh... sooooo mmmm... I'm trying to remember everything.
Oh yes! So on Friday (my Friday, your Thursday) we had a "Roving Party" where basically we just went into all the offices around the base and ate yummy food/sweets and looked at the decorations they all set up. It was bunches of fun! I wore a Christmas hat and ran around saying "Ho, Ho, Ho!" to everyone. By the end, everyone was in a sugar coma and we still had to clean up the café area, which was a complete wreck.

But any who.... check out some pictures! 

This was like a handmade photo booth type thingy. 


But yeah, the party was so fun! Up until this one incident.....

There was this cute wittle gecko that was my bestest friend for about ten minutes, and I called him Friend. He just stayed on my arm and I walked around with him. I decided to set him free so I went outside and then someone else wanted to try and hold him so I was trying to hand Friend to this guy and Friend jumped off, so we tried catching him and as I was putting my hand down to try and catch him I accidentally squished him.... my life just came tumbling down.... I instantly started bawling and I kept on bawling on and off for about 15 minutes or so (I'm dead serious... this isn't funny) (everyone else thought it was, but I didn't) and I just sulked for the rest of the night. I FELT SO BAD! I didn't mean too, don't think I find joy in just squishing the guts out of these little guys. Heck no...! I'm so sorry friend... I hope heaven is treating you well, we shall meet again.


Waaaaaaa :( I feel so bad. 

But anywhoozle....
Here is YWAM Townsville's Christmas card. I am right smack dab in the middle, right in-between the S and the T in Christmas. 

Oh haha, yeah so this is what happens when I am really tired/bored cause I finished all my work. I became mesmerized at watching myself blink. For some reason it's like the funnest thing to do (well to me... I'm sure you just think I am a freak) I sat here for a long-az time just blinking at myself. Hahhahahahah, I'm losing it.(not really)
It's just a fun way to pass time to say the least. 

I also thought I would share with you that I got a hoop in! Lalalal, I like it! I am still working on getting the other one in. Now they don't look too much like boogers now do they, dad?! 

So I should probably get a move on. Today I have a brunch with my outreach team, I have YouthStreet, and I have to do laundry and pack up cause TOMORROW I LEAVE FOR MY FIRST OUTREACH!!!!!!!!
YEEEEEEEEEEE!!! I feel like I have already told you, but my outreach team is going to Cairns (sounds like cans) and we are working in a homeless shelter for boys (Harold's House). We will stay there for about a week and a half, then we head back to base for like a day or so to celebrate Christmas, then we head back! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!

We da bestest, obvi.

Yeah, so we are gonna work in a homeless shelter for boys, I don't really know all the details yet. But also in Cairns, we might come across some backpackers, so we can have the opportunity to at least share the love of Christ or even lead some people to Christ! YAY! 

I ask for some prayers for my outreach team. Pray for safety and health. And that we step out of our comfort zones to help spread Christ's love, even if that just means planting the seeds for them, not leading them to Christ right away. Pray that we stay unified and work as a team/family. And that we give it our very all, that in everything we do, we do it to glorify God. 

Yeah so once that mini outreach is over we have like another month left on base, then we all head out to our other outreaches, where I will be going to PNG!!!!!! 
I cannot believe how fast time has gone. It's so weird! I don't want it to end, but I know God has other plans for me after this. Lemme tell you... I will be with YWAM for a bit. YAY! I can't wait. 

Okay, okay, okay. Well I don't know how much communication I will have for the next couple of weeks, but I will try my hardest to communicate to you all in some way, shape, or form. 

But as for now I G2G (got to go)
I love and miss you all bunches!
God bless!!


p.s. Hey family, be expecting a little package from me! Hope you all enjoy it. I wish I could have given you all things individually, but this shall do for now. I will bring things back (if I have enough $$$) and Sara, make sure Riain doesn't open that not until his birthday. You can open the gift when you get it, if you wanna, but that is his birthday present! Hope you and Al approve! Oh yes, and family, I love and miss you guys bunches and bunches! Hope all is well! Talk to you soon:) 

Sunday, December 9, 2012

I'm backkkkkk!

I'm baccccccckkkkkkkk!! 
Did you miss me? 
Yeah, don't answer that....

Well... I had the most amazing two weeks in the Outback. 
Lemme tell you....
Just forewarning this will probably be long and have one too many pictures, but it's my blog. I do what I want. So shut up and read it. 
But I will warn you that this blog will be all over the place with information on my adventures in the outback. I hope you can somehow comprehend my craziness. 

                 So yeah, here are some videos! 

On our way up to Hidden Valley. Very windy and car sickening ride. 

Here is when we first made it! So many cows and so much poop everywhere!!

Here is a look at where I lived for two weeks!!
Oh and p.s. that mirror broke instantly. So I went two weeks without seeing what I looked like. It was awesome. Thank You Jesus
Oh yes and if you didn't hear me right the rule was if it is yellow let it mellow, if it is brown flush it down. Meaning if you went pee you didn't flush, if you went poop you did flush. So  we basically knew when everyone took a poop. Yup, this YWAM fam is a little too comfortable about our bodily functions. Hahah oh yeah and we had to put our pee wipes in the trash can, but the poopy ones we could flush. Hahahah. TMI? I think not. 

Heheh, so I decided to take a selfies of myself everyday for the whole two weeks. You can see me getting tanner, bushier eyebrows, and pimples spread across face, but that smile never once left. 

Day one

Day two

Day three

Day four

Day five

Day six

Day seven

Day eight

Day nine

Day ten

Day eleven

Day twelve

Day thirteen

Day fourteen

Here is what I called home for two weeks with my two tent mates. (Megan and Rachel) We had to stuff everything in that tiny tent and cause I'm obviously the shortest it was all on my side. Good thing I can manage to sleep in tiny ball. I slept rather well in that tent! I had an air mattress thingy. A couple of days I woke up drooling and you know you're sleeping well if you are drooling. And then one night I woke up and I was just rubbing Rachel's back. It was a pretty funny moment I might add. Hahahahah, oh goodness. I love my tent mates. We had some good nights in that tent. 

So yeah.I almost went a full week without showering, but then people kept telling me it was gross and someone told me that they thought my hair was wet, but it was actually just that greasy. And I also happened to smell myself once and I smelt like a wet dog, so I figured I probably should. Whoops. #sorrynotsorry
Oh yeah and I went barefoot like all over the place! Talk about dirty-az feet. Goodness. Yes, but in all I took four showers in two weeks. I could have managed with doing three, but I hurt myself one day from running and had to wash the blood off of me.  

So the first couple of nights I was there I got bitten up pretty badly. I looked like a drug addict with all the bug bites I had. They were all over me and it was so itchy. But I sorted out the problem, I had ants in my tent!! So I went on a cleaning spree and cleaned that sucker out. After that the ants knew I meant business and from that moment forward I never got bit again! Praise Jesus! 

So yes. The days there were freakin' hot. I'm talking like I had butt sweat it was so hot.  But then the nights were nice and cool. It was a crazy difference. I got to wear pants, SOCKS AND HATS, and my flannel for the first time ever. So I basically looked like a hobo all week. Definitely made some fashion no-no's. Tehehe. And I didn't even bring a weeks worth of clothes, so I did bunches of re-wearing stinky-az clothes. 
 Thank you Lord! AH! It was so good! And we had fires every night... mmmm I wish I was back!
Here is a glimpse of the fashion no-no's I made. LOLZ! 
DIDN'T CAREEEEEEE. Which makes me happy we didn't have mirrors. I just didn't care. Yet, I still knew that I was beautiful. Mist all the greasiness, ratty hair, pimples, and not plucking my eyebrows for two weeks. But heavens, lemme tell you. When I got back I went straight to a mirror, LOLed at myself, and plucked the heck out of those suckers. 

Here is some of the awesome fires we had!! I loved smelling like fire. BEST SMELL EVERRRRRR.

We gotta watch a movie by the fire!


And lots of nights we had worship outside, which was just probably the greatest thing ever. Outside, by the fire, with the stars splattered across the sky. What more could you want?! 

Mmmmm, so yeah. We ate sooooo much at camping. Like five meals a day. Cray-Cray. 
1. Brekky
2.Tea time
3. Lunch
5.Supper (which is dessert)
I love it here cause all we do is eat. Omm nommm. 

Oh yeah, we had tea and "coffee" (instant coffee, which isn't coffee) Milo(which is basically hot chocolate.. but better) and we had powdered milk. Nastiest thing ever. But I managed. Couldn't go without my coffee. 

Oh yeah, so we still had work placements we all had to do. We had one week on, one week off. I had work duties the first week and my job was to cut apples and oranges for morning tea. Not too bad. Great break from having to do dishes for two hours!! 
Then after I got finished with that I got some nice alone time! Ep! So good to just be able to sit by myself and have some quality time with God. 

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm babbling. I'm sorry. 

MMMMM... so everyday during lunch we had "Battle Buddies"... in my own definition it was like a blind date. We just ate and talked with the person we were assigned too. It was quite good! Getitng to talk to people I don't normally get to talk to. Yup, yup, yup!

OH YEAH! The spiders here are freakin' ridiculous. Huge. My fear of those tiny-az spiders we have back in the states is nothing compared to what is here down unda. 

Check it out. 


Oh yeah! So there was this gorge thingy we went to a couple of times! It was totes fun! It smelt bad and it was slippery and there was tons of algae and tons of rocks you would hit yourself on, but it was nice and cool to go in  on a hot day.

SOOO PRETTY! Lalalalalalala

Oh yeah! I did some pretty hard-az workouts while camping. It was so difficult especially during the heat of the day, but I felt amazing afterwards. Then one day I went running and at the end of it I started to pick the pace up a wittle and then didn't manage to see this huge rock and just ate it. My hands and arm got all scrapped up. But, it was rather funny. I went back to try and find where I fell and you could just see this tiny little hand print in the dirt. Hahaha so funny. One of my friends saw it. She said she saw all three of us running and then there was this big bush and then all she saw was two people. Hahahaha. of course I was the one to just wipe out. I don't understand how I didn't see that rock there. It was huge! Hahah, I crack myself up sometimes. 

The boo-boo's on my hands don't look like much, but let me tell you, those suckers hurt! I couldn't clap for like the whole rest of the week and just doing anything with my hands just hurt. I toughed it out though. 


Oh yes and then we had to wash our clothes with just water and the laundry detergent we brought. I was rather proud of myself for doing so and I was so happy to wear clean clothes, but then it rained, so my clothes were wet. But once they dried I was happy! They still smelt bad, but not as bad as they once were.. they were still bad smelling. But when I got back to base I fully realized how awful myself and my clothes smelt. It was like a mixture between fire smoke and sweat.
Here is Megan and I cleaning our clothes! We thought it didn't do much, but the water was like black when we finished, so we figured it did something. 

Oh! So during the whole two weeks we were all placed into groups and it was called "Good Morning God" where we all just spoke on something. Each group spoke on something amazing, and it was good to get the students to speak on something rather than the staff. My group spoke on unity. We did such a good job I thought! Each group did! Hehe, I'm so proud of my DTS. 

But yeah! Here is my Good Morning God group! I love dem
So fun getting to learn from them. We really all worked so well together! God is so good! Hahah

Ah, so every day we woke up at 6:30 by some sort of song blaring. It was awesome! Then we had brekky, then alone time, then lectures. The first week the staff spoke. They each spoke on something different, but it was all so good! I gained more respect and appreciation for all of them. I learned that week what my love languages are and what my spiritual gifts are. WOOT WOOT!

Then on Saturday and Sunday we got to sleep in a little later, but it was so hard too cause it got really hot, so I usually just got up around 7a.m.ish.

So then on the second week we had lectures on Lordship. Such an amazing week! The guy we had was a crazy guy! Loved him! We all picked up on his funny mannerisms "Shutup!" "Glory!" "Thank You Jesus!" "Amen/Awomen". But really. I learned a lot from him. I got more into worship, even when I didn't feel like it and I got more into hearing God! Thursday and Friday were some difficult, but good days for all of us. Thursday night we had like a worshipy night and I was in a bad mood, but I got it all out by talking to some of my friends, Praise Jesus for them! Then that helped me for Friday where we trekked up a mountain and had a little worship service up there!

EP! And on our way up there I found this heart rock! I had asked God for one the night before and He gave me one!!!! I was one happy girl. 

Here we are atop the mountain! Such a good day!! 

Yup, so the rest of the day we were just all up in worshiping Jesus. We went pretty late into the night. Well actually that happened a couple of times that week. But it was really good! Very refreshing week. I have such a deeper relationship with God. Yeeee!
Oh yeah and then during Friday afternoon we all had the option to go up and just say a few things/get some things out and some people gave things away and someone very special to me gave me her purity ring. I freakin' lost it when she gave it to me. I shall now forever wear it until the day some Man of God puts another one on it. But as for now. I am married to God. Heheh. I am His bride! I love it and it really means a lot to me. And it's a good constant reminder. 

Yesh, yesh, yesh. Ahhhh, so my nose got infected while I was there. One of the nose rings I had came out and when I tried to put it back in I guess I irritated it and it wouldn't go back in so I had to put like an earring stud in it.And it got all swollen and it oozed a wittle bit. It sucked, but it's getting better! Soz dad... I ain't taking these "boogers" out just yet. Hehehe

Oh yeah and everyone back home, be jealous. I got one rad tan. I think this is the tannest I have ever been. It's funny though cause it's like only my face, arms, and somewhat of my legs. I got some pretty funny lookin' tan lines. Hahahah

Oh yeah and here is one last video. Check it out yoooooo

Yeah, so when I got back I didn't know how to function and all I wanted was chocolate and coffee. Being on the computer was rather difficult for me I don't know why. Then I went out to the mall and it was just weird seeing all these cars and just seeing all these people. I looked like a wreck. Bahaha. My eyebrows had never been bushier! IT WAS CRAY CRAY! But yeah, I cleaned all my clothes and my room looks like an explosion cause stuff is still all over the place. I'll get around to cleaning it  up soon.... hopefully.

But yeah.. when I got back I was in a pissy mood cause I was tired, but that's no excuse, so I'm sorry to everyone. But yeah, so I took a freakin' long nap before I had to go and work in YouthStreet Live. It was rather difficult to do cause I was still so tired, but then once it was over I took a much needed shower then went to bed AND I SLEPT IN TILL 9:30a.m.!!!! PRAISE JESUS. AHH IT WAS SO MUCH NEEDED! I skipped brekky and lunch making so I could sleep in. Then I went to the strand with a few others cause this is like our last free day for a very long time. 
My outreach group is going to Cairns(sounds like cans you AmeriCANS, hehehe see what I did there?!) where we will be going to a homeless shelter for boys and serving them. I'm so excited!!  God is gonna do some crazy stuff. I'll be back at base for like a day to celebrate Christmas. But then I go straight back. AHHH! Christmas! I am so excited!!! But I am so sad I am missing out on Christmas with my family. That will be really difficult... but just you wait guys... I got something in store for you all! Probably won't make it there on time for Christmas, but just you wait!! Heheheh. We have a "secret santa" woot! I'm excited, but I feel bad for the person who has me cause I have like no money to be spending, I'm really sorry person. But hey! If any of you wanna send me money, I'll love you forever. 

Oh yes! And when I got back I had THREE LETTERS!!! YEEE I WAS SO HAPPY!!!!! Thank you family for sending me birthday letters and thank you Hadley for just being awesome and sending me that sweet note. I'll try and reply to you asap! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!

I really hope I'm not forgetting anything. I just gave you a brief summary of all that went on these past two weeks. But they were a rather life changing two weeks for me. 
I'M JUST SO HAPPYYYYYY, YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY! But hey, if you do happen to want to know more in depth about my past two weeks I would love to tell you. Email or Facebook me. I will give you all my notes and just tell you more personally all that happened. I would love to share! 
Plus give you some rad worship songs to worship to and stuff.

Yeah, so I think I have told you all everything I wanted. I've got a really busy week this week. I have lectures over relationships this week, I have a ton of work to do, and I have to prepare for my first outreach. If any of you wanna catch up with me, please do! I don't have long till I won't have much contact with everyone. 

Well, I love and miss you all so, so much! Hope you all are doing well. God bless each and everyone of you!