Tuesday, December 25, 2012

To Grandma

Alright so I'm gonna set aside some time not to talk about my adventures here in Australia... that can wait.
I'm gonna talk about my Grandma! 

While I am on my mini outreach in Cairns my Grandma celebrates her birthday. And I might miss out on being able to tell her happy birthday.

So this blog is just for her and the celebration of her life!
Cause she is the greatest and deserves it all!

My grandma is one of the if not THE greatest person in my life. 
She is my hero, she is one of my greatest supporters, she is an influence to my life, and she is an example of the Woman  in Christ that I want to be. 
I'm so lucky that God gave me her as a Grandma!!
(and that she birthed my daddy and that my daddy met my mommy and then they had me! Hahahahahahhaa.)

But any who.....
I love my Grandma guys. She means so much to me! She holds a special place in my heart.

So Grandma....

I hope you have the most amazing birthday ever, you deserve it all and then ten times more! 
I wish I could be there on your birthday and give you a big hug and a kiss. But know I am giving you a big hug and kiss now! 

I love you a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck! 
Thank you for everything you have done for me and for being with me every step of the way. 

I love and miss you so, so, so much!!!! 

Love, Elissa

Isn't my Grandma just beautiful?!?!?

Love my Grandma so much! 

Okay... well I got back to Cairns today. So far it has been amazing. When I get back I will tell you all about outreach, Christmas!, and all the other adventures I had! 

     Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 

                         God bless! 

1 comment:

  1. OH my goodness, Elissa!!! That is the most wonderful and beautiful thing that anyone has said to me in my whole life. I love you so much and I am sooooooo proud of you. If I had been blessed with a daughter... you exemplify just what I would have prayed she would be. God was good to me and gave me a granddaughter instead. "Thank you God" Continue to be the God loving person you are now and you will make a real difference in this world...keep up the good work and know I love you very much and send you kisses and kisses and hugs to you. Love Grandma. P.S. Thank you, Keith, for typing this for me.
