Friday, December 14, 2012


Why helloooooo all my lovely people of whom read my bloggie. 
Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi.Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi.

Hope all is well thee. 

This week was one busy-az week for this chica.
I returned home from camping and instantaneously I was just busy, busy, busy. 
I had a creative devotion, a workbook, a journal, and a paper all due on Friday and I had Christmas stuff I had to take care of and by take of I mean writing 70 Christmas cards. 
But good ole me got it all done by Wednesday. I was quite proud of myself! I'm amazed that I got it all done by then as well cause I just always seemed to have something I had to do. So praise Jesus that is all done and out of the way. Yeah, being in YWAM you remain crazy busy most of the time, I'm never bored here. I love it! 

So yeah.. this week we learned about relationships! And before I start to tell you all I learned I wanna just say that the speaker was just like my dad! It was SOOOOO weird, he was like an older/fatter version of my daddy, but his face looked just like him, especially his eyes. When he would look at me and go on calling me "Tennessee" I seriously thought my own father was looking straight at me, and his mannerisms were spot on. It was so cray. And also, his wife's name was Julie and my mother's name is Julie... mmmmm... weird.

But yeah... this week. I feel like sharing things I learned! 
So here I go, I hope you all get something out of this like I did! Hehehhe. 

1.We can all hear, God we just need to learn discernment
2. Wisdom=How to
3. Your ministry was given to you before you were born
4. Our gifts can never ever never never ever ever be taken back, durrrrrr
5.God put a piece of Himself in each of us (EEEEEEEE!!!!)
6. Key to the word heart=attitude
7.Attitudes are the birth of actions
8.Just like you get dressed everyday , you clothe your heart.
9. God is waiting on a few things, then He will show you you gift that you have always had.
10.He is just waiting for us to get our acts together.
11. He's got it, He's answered it, He is waiting for YOU
12.God wants to work with us, He doesn't have too, but He chooses too, and He isn't gonna do it without us.
13.We are part of the family business, we represent the King!
14.There are 3 types of wisdom.... God's, Worldly, and Demonic. I 
Worldly: Knowledge, understanding, wisdom
We use our head
God's: Wisdom, understanding, knowledge
This has nothing to do with the outward, it has to do with the heart
(we didn't learn about the demonic one)
15.Yeah, so I have a lot more notes and they are all on relationships with the opposite sex and with family (like mom and dad) I don't feel like going into great detail about that right now, but if you do wanna learn more about it let me know! I would love to give you notes on how to have a special relationship with someone.

So this week I feel like I matured a lot and I honestly feel like I've got more wisdom... I don't got it all(obvi) but I've grown more!  I wanna go back home and just have a better relationship with my family. I know we haven't been the most perfect family, and I know I haven't been the most perfect daughter/sister, but I wanna get things right. I wanna honor my father and mother like I have never honored before. I know at times it will be difficult, but I choose the attitude I wanna have and that will lead to my actions. I working on having a good attitude in every situation. This will be a big learning process for me. But I am ready to just grow up! 

I hope that brief little summary of what I learned this week helps in some way. I would love to write more, but I would be here all day. But honestly, I would love to share my notes with you all! I have all this new information I have learned that I am dying to go out and tell people!

Anywhooooooo...... Imma change it up a bit for you all, get this blog to be a little more exciting.

This week I went to a cookie decorating parrttaay, it was quite fun! I decorated dos(2) cookies and gave them to special people.

It's freakin' Christmas season and I am in shorts, this is just cray-cray. It's so weird to think that back at home everyone is all cold and wearing warm clothes and I am just here, tan as ever, wearing shorts and tank tops. 

                 Classic bathroom pic, LOL! 

Plus these two. Heheheh

 So yeah... YWAM Townsville has a flying car... yes A FLYING CAR. Like it drives on the land and then it can go up in the air and fly. MIND=BLOWN. Wow.... This flying car is gonna help YWAM to be able to travel back and forth all over Aussie and to PNG to go out and help others! Praise you Jesus, just thank you, thank you, thank you. It should be out and flying in about a year. And I feel extremely honored that I was able to see the flying car. Wish I could have flown in it, but seeing it in person rather than just hearing about it comes in second. 



And here is all the lunch clean up girls! I rather dislike being in the kitchen cleaning and prepping for dinner, but being with these four ladies makes it all worth it! We have so much fun jamming out to music and stuff. I love them so much! 

Yesh... sooooo mmmm... I'm trying to remember everything.
Oh yes! So on Friday (my Friday, your Thursday) we had a "Roving Party" where basically we just went into all the offices around the base and ate yummy food/sweets and looked at the decorations they all set up. It was bunches of fun! I wore a Christmas hat and ran around saying "Ho, Ho, Ho!" to everyone. By the end, everyone was in a sugar coma and we still had to clean up the café area, which was a complete wreck.

But any who.... check out some pictures! 

This was like a handmade photo booth type thingy. 


But yeah, the party was so fun! Up until this one incident.....

There was this cute wittle gecko that was my bestest friend for about ten minutes, and I called him Friend. He just stayed on my arm and I walked around with him. I decided to set him free so I went outside and then someone else wanted to try and hold him so I was trying to hand Friend to this guy and Friend jumped off, so we tried catching him and as I was putting my hand down to try and catch him I accidentally squished him.... my life just came tumbling down.... I instantly started bawling and I kept on bawling on and off for about 15 minutes or so (I'm dead serious... this isn't funny) (everyone else thought it was, but I didn't) and I just sulked for the rest of the night. I FELT SO BAD! I didn't mean too, don't think I find joy in just squishing the guts out of these little guys. Heck no...! I'm so sorry friend... I hope heaven is treating you well, we shall meet again.


Waaaaaaa :( I feel so bad. 

But anywhoozle....
Here is YWAM Townsville's Christmas card. I am right smack dab in the middle, right in-between the S and the T in Christmas. 

Oh haha, yeah so this is what happens when I am really tired/bored cause I finished all my work. I became mesmerized at watching myself blink. For some reason it's like the funnest thing to do (well to me... I'm sure you just think I am a freak) I sat here for a long-az time just blinking at myself. Hahhahahahah, I'm losing it.(not really)
It's just a fun way to pass time to say the least. 

I also thought I would share with you that I got a hoop in! Lalalal, I like it! I am still working on getting the other one in. Now they don't look too much like boogers now do they, dad?! 

So I should probably get a move on. Today I have a brunch with my outreach team, I have YouthStreet, and I have to do laundry and pack up cause TOMORROW I LEAVE FOR MY FIRST OUTREACH!!!!!!!!
YEEEEEEEEEEE!!! I feel like I have already told you, but my outreach team is going to Cairns (sounds like cans) and we are working in a homeless shelter for boys (Harold's House). We will stay there for about a week and a half, then we head back to base for like a day or so to celebrate Christmas, then we head back! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!

We da bestest, obvi.

Yeah, so we are gonna work in a homeless shelter for boys, I don't really know all the details yet. But also in Cairns, we might come across some backpackers, so we can have the opportunity to at least share the love of Christ or even lead some people to Christ! YAY! 

I ask for some prayers for my outreach team. Pray for safety and health. And that we step out of our comfort zones to help spread Christ's love, even if that just means planting the seeds for them, not leading them to Christ right away. Pray that we stay unified and work as a team/family. And that we give it our very all, that in everything we do, we do it to glorify God. 

Yeah so once that mini outreach is over we have like another month left on base, then we all head out to our other outreaches, where I will be going to PNG!!!!!! 
I cannot believe how fast time has gone. It's so weird! I don't want it to end, but I know God has other plans for me after this. Lemme tell you... I will be with YWAM for a bit. YAY! I can't wait. 

Okay, okay, okay. Well I don't know how much communication I will have for the next couple of weeks, but I will try my hardest to communicate to you all in some way, shape, or form. 

But as for now I G2G (got to go)
I love and miss you all bunches!
God bless!!


p.s. Hey family, be expecting a little package from me! Hope you all enjoy it. I wish I could have given you all things individually, but this shall do for now. I will bring things back (if I have enough $$$) and Sara, make sure Riain doesn't open that not until his birthday. You can open the gift when you get it, if you wanna, but that is his birthday present! Hope you and Al approve! Oh yes, and family, I love and miss you guys bunches and bunches! Hope all is well! Talk to you soon:) 

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