Thursday, January 24, 2013

You know chinese food? In China they just call it food

I finished lectures... That's just mind blowing in itself.
Just knowing that one part of DTS is over and I am moving onto the next.

(This is Megan and I on the last day of Lectures. 
We are sad....)

HOLY CRAP I'M GOING TO PNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Honestly... a year ago I never ever never never never expected me to be here... in Australia. Half way around the world from my home, Tennessee. It's just crazy! I cannot believe where God has taken me and just knowing where He is gonna take me gives me like butterflies. I CANNOT WAIT!!! I can't believe that at one point I thought I shouldn't come here. PSH... man was I wrong! God kept shoving it in my face that I was meant to come here and gloooorrrrrryyy am I happy He did! YAYA!

okayokayokayokay. I'm just so full of excitement right now you guys... you have no idea. Like aasdfdjaksdfjaekfjasldfkjds, holy poop.

Yeah soooo okay... let me get focused here.

lalalallalalallalallalalala okayokayokay.

So yeah! LAST WEEK OF LECTURES... WHAAAAT?!?!?!?! So crazy. It's so bittersweet. Cause I remember my first week of lectures and I was just so happy to be there and now here I am 3 months later a completely different person. I'M SO HAPPY GUYS! I LOVE GOD AND I LOVE LIFE. I JUST LOVE EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE. hahahah. okay...

Anywhozle... this week in lectures we learned about evangelism... ew... I'm not to fond of that word. I've always thought people who evangelized are just craycray people who run up to people and try and shove God down their throat and you have to be all Christiany and be in a 3rd world country and blahblahblah. WRONG!  Hahaha I crack myself up.
Evangelism is all about relationship (I got that one from my dad) 
But honestly it is! YOU, ME, ANYONE who has God in their life can go out anywhere... ANYWHERE and minister to others. Right in the comfort of your own home you can be a disciple. You can go to the ends of the earth and share the love of God. YOU CAN DO IT ANYWHERE. waaaahhhh, so freakin' awesome. 
And you don't have to go run up to people and tell them all about Christ's love. You can just show it. Love on them. UGH! Such an awesome thing. I really wish I would have gotten the concept  of this sooner. No matter where you go in life, no matter what you do, who you are with, YOU CAN ALWAYS SHARE THE LOVE OF CHRIST. Always. Wow.... such an amazing thing. I challenge you (and myself, obvi) to do just that. No matter where you are. Just show Christ's love and serve people and just love on them and lalala and people will be attracted to that. And I know it works. I've seen it happen in Cairns. I had someone come up to me and ask me if I was on drugs cause I was just always happy and what not and I just said "Nope! I just got Jesus Christ in me!" It works... I promise. 
And when that time comes when they wanna know more... you can tell them more and then hopefully... (I PRAY!) they will come to accept Christ into their life. Ahhh, such a beautiful thing.
So... evangelism... it's about Relationships and out of that someone could come to Christ just by the attitude and actions you have. 

"Preach the gospel and if necessary, use words."
                         -Francis of Assisi


I call it my "EW!" face.

Ah yes! Sooooo... 
And yeah so you think the little bits of rain you get back home are bad... you need a reality check and you need to get your butt over to Australia. 
And not just like sprinkling... it was straight down pouring. 
It was starting to flood. 
And it wasn't like blistering hot out. There was a little bit of a breeze and you didn't get melt the minute you stepped outside. 
Ahhh, it was so peaceful to fall asleep to.
I loved it! I wore my comfy clothes those days, hehehehe
OH! and a few of us went out and played soccer in the down pouring rain! SO MUCH FUN!!!! I mean you couldn't really see and it hurt, but it was so much fun! We would all slide tackle and every time someone scored we would just slide into this puddle/pool thingy. 
Hahah and then when I went and showered I had so much grass up my butt. 
Here's a video of the rain!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, so nothing much happened this week. Just preparing for outreach. WAAAAHHHHH!!!! By this time tomorrow I will be in PNG! I don't have enough words to describe my excitement.

As I have told you guys my team is the LF team and we will be distributing medication for it. This week my team and I learned a lot more about LF and we just became more educated in it. And we had to practice distributing the pills and recording it all and asking questions to the patients and oh my heavens you peoples... I felt so in my element. I CANNOT WAIT... like seriously I know I keep saying that, but ugggh... guys.... my passion for medical missions is just getting bigger and bigger and I'm just so excited to just be able to be part of this and see God move in PNG. I feel so lucky and blessed! 

EEEEEEEEE!!!!!! It's funny how before I even got here I didn't even know of PNG, let alone LF. Now I'm here and my passion for PNG just keeps growing. 

So yes... I will be in PNG for six weeks in the Gulf Province. Every week we will be in a different village. (WE TRAVEL BY BOAT!!! WOOOT) And as I have said we are mainly working with LF. But we will also be speaking in churches, acting out skits, and just loving on the communities. It's gonna be awesome! For six weeks I sleep on the ground, go poop outside, take showers by just dumping water on myself, and I can't show my knees or shoulders. And you know what guys? I couldn't feel more blessed. I can't wait to see God move and heal and see people come to Christ and just see His kingdom come. 

I also won't have any source of communication for these next six weeks (maybe a phone call? but I will call my family, obvi!) but yeah... if you guys are interesting in knowing what is going on with the LF team you can look up the hashtag below on Twitter or Instagram or just google it if you don't have a Twitter or Instagram!


I'm pretty positive they will be updating everyday... if not... whoops! SOZ! 
But yeah! Look up the hashtag guys! 
(And remember mom and dad... no news is good news! But if you do happen to get a random phone call from a weird number it will most likely be me!)

Well, I gotta go finish up a few things, take a shower cause I smell, go worship!!!!!!!!, go to bed, then wake up at 3:30am to head to Cairns to fly to Port Morsby!!! Yeeeee!!! I will talk to you all in six weeks. 

I would really love if you guys could continually pray for my outreach team and all the other teams as well!

I hope you all have an amazing six weeks! I can't wait to come back and tell you all my adventures. 

                 Love you all! God bless!!

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

Sooooooooo..... my precious, precious, precious, precious, adorable, awesome, beautiful, amazing, gift from God, amazing, gorgeous, cute, every good word in the dictionary possible nephew  RIAIN will be turning two... TWO (WHAT THE HECK!!! TIME HAS JUST FLOWN PAST ME!) while I am away in PNG.
So Riain.... 
Riain... I love you soooooo much. Seeing you grow from when you were a tiny little thing inside your mommy to where you are now has been the biggest blessing. I miss you more and more everyday. Seeing you grow, hearing all the new words you say, watching you do pushups, and just everything, ugggh! Makes me the proudest Aunt possible. I could not imagine life without you. You brighten everything up. Missing your birthday is honestly one of the hardest things ever for me. But know how much I love you. ANDDD! I got the cutest little thing for you! I can't wait to give it to you! I know you are gonna have a great birthday! I've heard mommy is throwin' you a parrrtaaay. I can't wait to see pictures! I love you my wittle poophead. Can't wait for that day to come I can finally hold you! 
                  Love always, Aunt Shee-shaa

Hours after Riain was born
January 29, 2011
5lbs 3oz
Riain's 1st birthday!!!!

Riain and Aunt Shee-Shaa

I love you so much Riain!!!!
Have an amazing birthday!
Gah you are two! I'm gonna cry....
Go eat an extra piece of cake for me
and get a sugar rush so you won't sleep
and keep mommy and daddy up all night
hehehehe just kidding.
Love you my wittle poophead

Saturday, January 19, 2013


Another week has just flown past me. 
It's crazy to think that I have been here for 3 months. 
It honestly feels like I just got here, but then I think about it and it feels like I have been here for forever.


This week our lectures were on the Bible. 
I thought this week would be super boring, but it was an awesome week! 
My ideas/thoughts/and/perspectives on the Bible have completely changed. 
In such a short time I learned heaps! And I just think of everything else that I don't know yet and I just wanna know! 
The Bible is sooooo interesting guys! Seriously, you should read it. It will blow your mind. 
And just the history about the Bible. Wow... makes me appreciate it so much more. 
We looked a lot into the book of Philemon. (and to be honest I didn't even know that was a book in the Bible) (I'm sure you didn't either you peasants you) 
So my first impressions of Philemon were
2.I can't say those names.
3. Yeah I don't get it.
4.I can't get anything good out of this. 
5.What the (beep)

Honestly! It's like the shortest book in the Bible and in the past I just skimmed over it. 
Basically, Paul wrote a letter to Philemon about forgiving Onesimus.
And you wanna know what I got from that wittle letter? (After learning about it and breaking it down into sections and lalalal)

1.Acceptance of those who have wronged you
3.Respecting authority
4.Walking out in your convictions
5.Chose to walk in God's forgiveness 
7.Seek God's direction
8.Love one another
9.Second chances
10.Free will
11.Restoring relationships
12.Have faith
13.True love brings freedom
14.Give opportunities for others to speak into your life
15.God's grace
17.We are all useful in Christ!!

Yup, yup. 
I learned bunches more than that I promise. But I don't wanna sit here and blog about it. I'm just giving you little bits and pieces of it.

So this week wasn't a terribly exciting one but it was a good one! 
Let's see....
~I worked out! lalla SIXXXPACCCCK, Jk more like pudgy. 
(I am fearfully and wonderfully made) 
~I gotta watch Bridesmaids with all my girls! Such a gooooooooddddddd/funnnyyyyyyyyy movie! Hehehe
~I had another "girls day" and went out shopping with my bezzies Megan and Rahcel! (I've really needed some girl time!)
~The DTS had a 24/7 prayer week and I signed up to pray from 1:30am-2:30am. At first it was difficult cause it was freakin' 1:30am, but once I got into the prayer it ended up being really good and that hour was like the shortest hour of my life. I got a lot for the DTS as a whole. Praying is awesome peoples!!... you should try it every once in a while or like everyday or something.... you'd be amazed.
~I gotta Skype my Grandma, Hannah, and my whole family!
~I worked my last YouthStreet and it went really well! My group played soccer at the Strand and we got some people to play along with us and then I worked in the Café and drank so many frappes and milkshakes just cause I could, teheheh. 
~I went to the market one last time.. CAUSE I'M GOING TO PNG
and I got all my  gift shopping done (family... be prepared, I got you guys the best gifts evaaa)
~I dyed my hair purple.

Yup, so that was about my week....

So weird that this week is my last week here and then I'm gone for six weeks to PNG. Oh my heavens I am so excited. I cannot wait! God's gonna do some crazy stuff and I'm so happy I get to be part of it! I can't wait to see all that happens there. And to be smelly and not care! WOOHOO!

Oh! Did I tell you guys how I have to poop in PNG??!?!?
Well... Imma tell you anyway! 
So... we have to do something we call the "squatty potty" so yes you are right... I have to squat. Funny thing is is that the toilet is up on these stilts and you just squat and do your business and everyone else can see what you are doing below cause it's just like a pit of yuckieness. I've even been told that sometimes there will be like pigs or dogs below just eating away.... ewwy.... Hahahahaha, I'm so excited!! Hopefully I won't get the runs though... that would suck.... any who I'm gonna stop talking about poop now.
Oh and when I shower I just have to use a bucket. It's gonna be awesome!!!

Mmmm, well this week we are learning about evangelism I think? This week will be good! Cause it will prepare us for going on outreaches. 
Then this week I gotta  pack and get ready for outreach and clean and etc.etc.etc. and then on the 26th I'm off to PNG!!! YAY! First I head off to Port Morsby for a day or two and then for the rest of the six weeks I will be in the Gulf Province going to different villages. Have I mentioned to you that I am so excited?!?!?!?!Hehehehe.

Well, Toodles everyone! I hope you all have a great week. Imma go and have a traditional Australian meal now... Fish n' Chips.... 

(yeah I don't think that's a traditional meal at all.... I just made that up to sound cool)

           Alright.... bye everyone! Love you all!!
            Peace out/God bless

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Romans 12:1-2

Sup, yo. 
First week back is finally over! Only two weeks left.
This week wasn't too terribly exciting,
besides the fact that I......

I SNORKELED THE GREAT BARRIER REEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But before I go into all that jazz I'll inform you on other things.


So yeah, this week we got back into the swing of things. Back to lectures, morning tea, cleaning dishes for two hours everyday, journals/workbooks, the Strand, and Castle Town. 

This weeks lectures we learned about Spiritual Warfare. I didn't really have much thought about what it would be like to be perfectly honest. 
But this week did really help me heaps. 
It all started on Monday before lectures. We had morning worship and that's when it really hit me that I am truly a living sacrifice for God. That He has something SO great for me. And it was bittersweet. Cause I'm all happy cause I finally know I have a purpose in this life and that is to share God's glory and love and His kingdom come and all that good stuff that God does in your life, but then on the other hand it hit me hard....I'm a living sacrifice..... A LIVING SACRIFICE.... I hope you get what I am talking about.
God's calling me to do things and I am finally realizing that I am gonna have to sacrifice things. And to be honest... it sucks. I could easily go back to my normal life back in Tennessee and do all the "normal" things. But no.... I can't I just can't! This is only the beginning of what God has for me. I know I'm gonna be in missions for a while. And I'm super duper happy and sad all at the same time! GAH! God is so good. He definitely sees what I am doing and He is blessing me for that. I just love Him!

Anywho... during worship I was having my moment and that's when I got told (by God) to fast. I never, never, never, EVER, ever, ever, NeVeR fasted in my whole life. I never liked it and I would just avoid that topic completely. And I never really saw the point to it, funny how things work, hahahah. So yeah, I felt called to fast for three days. THREE DAYS! I've never gone so long without food. And I LURRRRVVV food. Everyone knows that. But, yeah. The first day was amazing. God really spoke to me and temptations came my way BIG TIME (I got asked if I wanted a free frappe, and my outreach group brought SO MUCH FREAKIN' chocolate to our meeting) but, I just spent a lot of time with God and He kept on telling me things, and I was feeling amazing! I never felt hungry! And I was excited for the two other days! 
So, I wake up the next day and I feel like crap. Complete and utter crap. It was hard for me to get out of bed,  walk to the bathroom,  and hold my tooth brush to my mouth. Oooooo, it was awful! I kept just trying to read my Bible and get things, but I just felt so sick. 
all of a sudden.....
I just started puking my guts out. I only had water in me and I was puking all that out. UGH! 
Yeah, so after me throwing up someone else and I decided it was a good idea for me to stop. 
Then, after throwing up heaps again I finally ate a piece of toast and started feeling bunches better. 
God is good.
It was my first time fasting and I got so much out of that one day.
And I know God is happy that I am suffering/sacrficing for Him.
There will be other times to fast and when that time comes I will do better at it... like drink juice or something.
Hahah, I just LOL at myself cause I threw up. 
But yeah! I'm proud of myself! 

Anywho... my figuring out that I am a living surifice played well into our teachings in Spiritual Warfare. Basically the whole week we just learned about "running the race" (which I am doing)
and sometimes we end up walking the race, but that's okay. Just keep going towards that finish line. And it's not bad to have others help you along the way. I know that sound cliche and all, but it's so true guys. 
I'm running my race, heck we all are. Just keep running guys! And lean into God when times are getting hard. When He see's you trying your very hardest to bring glory to Him, He will see that and He will bless you! That's just how He rolls. 

Our God is so big! So strong and so mighty. There's nothing our God can not do.... FOR YOU!! (and you and you and you and you!)

So yeaaaaahhhhhhh, besides all that there wasn't too much going on. Besides Megan and I watching Dr. Phil, bahahahahahaha. Such a retarded show.... I FREAKIN' LOVE IT!
Oooooo and I got to Skype my whole fam! EEEE! I love when I can talk to my whole family in one sitting. Makes me so happy.

K, well enough about all that stuff.
Let's get to me snorkeling the Great Barrier Reef!
Guys..I saw one of the seven wonders of the world. How cool is that?! Never ever in my life did I ever expect to be half way around the world in Australia... doing all this fun stuff. I've experienced so many great things and I just feel so lucky! 

K, so getting to the Reef took like 4 hours. Ugggh, my goodness it sucked. I got sea sick. So I just forced myself to stay in the fetal position and fall asleep. And I still feel like I am rocking on that boat and it's making me sea sick again. eewwwyyyy.

But once we got there the terrible 4 hour boat ride and having all my body parts fall asleep on me was all worth it.

The Reef was GAWWWGEOUS. The water was so blue and pretty. And once we got on our wetsuits (we looked like freakin' smurfs) got on our flippers and our masks we were good to go! I jumped in and just gawked at all the beautiful things below. There were so many fishies all different colors, sizes, and shapes. I EVEN SAW A SHARK! A GREAT WHITE SHARK! IT WAS HUGE!!! I SWAM WITH IT.
Just kidding... I mean I did see a shark and I did swim with it (really far away from it, but that counts) but it was like this dinky little shark. A white tip or something like that? 
GAH! I wish you could all experience what I saw! It was so breath taking.
And the Reef! EEEEEEE, God is just so creative. Hehehehe. That's all I'm gonna say.

So yup, after about snorkeling for about two hours, we got back on the boat for another 4 hour long, sickly boat ride. But this time I took some motion sickness pill thingy... it helped.

I'll shut up now and show you some pictures now! So you too can gawk at the beauty!

Video frist!

Okay, now pictures!


My outfit for the day.
I work it.
Fa sho.

Me n' my main gals right before we went in!
Love dem.

Photobomin' is my main hobby.


That's me in the middle.^
On the left is Lisa and the right is Victoria!

Here I am.
In Australia!
In one of the seventh wonders of the world!

That's me on the left, swimming in the Great Barrier Reef if you didn't know. Or in case you forgot.

Megan and I!

Lisa and I!

Here are most of the gals and I after we finished snorkeling!
We didn't wanna take off our suits!
Totes comfortable and so figure flattering.
(Victoria, Carlie, ME!, Denise, Megan, Lisa)

Hope you understand why I'm freakin' out over being able to snorkel in the Great Barrier Reef.
Gorgeous, right?!
Just like you, hehehehehe.

Okay, well I shall blogs all y'alls later to inform you on some other kind shin digs that happens in my awesome life down unda.

Peace out!!
God bless!!

P.S. Psalm 51:10

Monday, January 7, 2013


I'm back from my mini outreach! It was heaps of fun. 
Like..... I dunno how I am gonna be able to tell you everything and you be able to comprehend it. 
I've got so many stories and things to say and blahhh.... I'm just gonna be cray-cray.
I don't know if there are enough words to be able to give you just how amazing outreach was.
Things like that are just things you need to be able to experience yourself to be able to just get it. 

Okay, okay, okay.... I will just start from the beginning and just go from there. 

So we left on Sunday December 16, 2012.
We traveled up to Cairns, Australia. It took about four hours to get there. Then when we arrived we stayed at South Cairns Community Church. It twas awesome! They had like this lounge area upstairs where we played card games, did puzzles, and played ping pong! It was a really nice place to stay!
Here is a wee little video of the church I stayed at! I've got heaps of videos to show use all. lalalalalalalala.

Sooooo yeaaaah.

Monday!- We went to Harold's House!
(Harold's House is this awesome place! It gives youth a place to stay. And there was a pool, a t.v., and food/coffee!!! And they all had daily chores they had to do. Harold's is just one freakin' amazing place.)
Anywho. At Harold's there were four boys. Scratch that. There were four young men. Gah! Those boys were amazing. So talented. One of them could beat box super duper well and one could rap. They were the sweetest boys ever. I love them so much. They all hold a special place in my heart. 
Anywhozle... that day we took the boys to this pool type thingy (it's called like an espionage) and we just hung out all day and had a great time! Instantly they became like brothers to me.
Here's like the only picture I have at the espionage. Looks like nothing, but it was flippin' awesome.

 Tuesday!- We took the boys to Trinity Beach and just had heaps of fun there. Then we also swam in Harold's pool... (which we did like everyday.) Twas so much fun! We would just play pool games (mainly sub) for the whole time.

Here's some pics from the pool! 
That one boy is Michael. He is the bestest.
He can beatbox like no other! 

This is Adam. 
Such an awesome guy!
I won't ever forget him.

Wednesday- We went to Harold's for breakfast and one of the boys (Michael) made us the yummiest pancakes ever, like seriously. Greatest thing ever! They were made from scratch and gaaah I just omm-nommed on those things. Then the rest of the day we just hung out with the boys. We went on a little hike that day!

Then Lisa, Megan, Michael, and I went and worked at Street Level Youth Care. It's this organization that has been running every night for over 20 years that feeds homeless youth. Only one person came that night, so Lisa, Megan, and I just talked to Michael about things. And back at Harold's the rest of the group had a Bible study. It went really well. That night we all got super close to those boys.

Thursday- That day we just cleaned up the church a bunch and didn't go to Harold's till later. We had a Bible study that night. I shared my testimonie and many others shared as well. It was a great night! Just hearing what all the boys said was so good and encouraging. They are all now young men of Christ and I couldn't be happier for them!

Friday- We just hung out with the boys all day and then that night we went to the Night Market! It was so fun! It was like a market and it was at night. You get the idea right? 

They had a Christmas tree up! Sooo purdy!

Saturday- We went to some lake... like lake echum or something like that? I canont remember. But it was great! Some of us swam there and back which was around 2k. That is when I learned I am a slow and awkward swimmer. I do my own doggie paddle. One leg like kicks down and the other kicks to the side and my arms just do whatever. And it's a slow swim. It was just a sad sight to see. 
Anywho! Here is a video! 

And some pictures!

Lisa, Junior (he can rap like noooo othaaa!!)(chen), Michael, ME!!!!, Chris

After the lake we got to go take a few other stops. We got to see  this huge fig tree! It was gawwwwgeous. 

                     Here's the whole entire group! Love them all so much!! 

Then we got to go to this crater lake thingy. It was totes cool. 
This was the crater lake thingy. If you threw a rock down it made this weird noise. I dunno why. Sciency stuff I'm guessing. 

Then this was probz the coldest water I've ever swam in. I mean once you got your whole body it you just went numb... so after that it felt a wee bit better. 
This is Corey. He is the cooliest. 

Sunday- We went to the church's church service. Some of us read from the Bible and just told what exactly we were doing. The rest of the day was just a chill day. 

Monday- Went home for Christmas!!!! And I came back to base with a package. MY FAMILY SENT ME A PACKAGE! It was full of goodies, tank tops, a journal, a headband, a letter, and the cutest picture of my nephew. I was bawling my eyes out when I was opening everything and then bawled my eyes out even more when I saw the picture of my nephew! GAAAH I HAVE SUCH A GOOD FAMILY. So blessed.

Tuesday- CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeeee, the most wonderful time of the yeaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Well actually to be perfectly honest it did not feel like Christmas what so ever. 
But it was Christmas.
So we all got fancied up and ate till our tummies hurt.
Here's me all fancied up. 
I curled my hair and put makeup on! Yay me!

Here's the group I ate din-din with. 
They all witnessed me pigging out. 

Outreach team Christmas photo! 
Love dem!

We even got stockings!!!!!! 
You best believe I ate all that.
By myself.
In less than a week.
less than five days.
More like three.

So yeah... Christmas was fun. It was weird/sad that I was missing Christmas with my family back home. I miss them so much! But I got to Skype them and that made me the happiest girl ever. And I also got to Skype my bezzie Megan! It was the greatest. 

Lalala, so later that day my outreach group and I went to the strand. Heaps of fun!
Except Macca's was closed so we couldn't get 30 cent ice cream.
Who does that?! Closes Macca's on Christmas, psh.

But here are some pictures of the beach on Christmas!!
mmmm, I've got me some good looks. Don't cha know!?

Typical jumping pic. 

All the girls on outreach!
They da bestest!!

So yeah! Christmas in Australia was different. But it was totally awesome! Such a great experience! 
And at end the night I walked in on the rest of my DTS watching Elf. SOOO sad I missed it. I've watched Elf every year since I can remember and I didn't get to see it this year :(
But once that movie ended, I ate again (obvi) and we watch The Lord of the Rings. But I ended up falling asleep. TWO TIMES. 
So I just decided to go to bed after waking up the second time. I was all sprawled out on the floor in my sleeping bag. I figured it was time for me to get some shut eye. 

Wednesday- Headed back to Cairns!!!! With my bag of goodies!

Here's my bag of goodies.
They are all gone now.
Cause I ate it all.

Thursday- So this day we didn't really know what we were doing. We all met up and our leaders told us we were gonna evangelize. I was so mad! I didn't want too. I just had a bad view on it completely. And honestly I didn't feel like I was educated enough in the Bible to share. 
Which is silly... I know. I might not know everything, but I definitely have the capability to share the love of Christ and to share what He has done in my life and how He has completely changed my life!
So after some worship and prayer we were still going out to evangelize and I was still not feeling to great about it. 
But I knew I needed to step out of my comfort zone.
So we got paired up and went out.
Chris and I met a guy and he was from Ireland. It was pretty easy to talk to him cause my brother-in-law is from Ireland and there is a girl on my team who is from the same place he was. So we just talked the whole two hours with him. We tried brining up God and stuff, but you could tell he didn't want to go there. He was a great guy and I know God has got a plan for him! May not have led him to Christ, but I planted a seed and someone will come along. I will be continually praying for him though!

Friday- I evangelized again with another one of my team mates and we talked to a lady in from Denmark. She was so sweet! We talked the whole time with her as well. We never brought up God or anything, but she was so extremely thankful that we took the time to talk to her. And then that night we had dinner at Harold's with the boys!

So yeah... I'm still a little uneasy about evangelism but I am getting there! I don't think evangelism is a bad thing, I just feel like there are good ways and bad ways. I'm all for developing a relationship with someone and then telling them about God. Cause I love God and He is good!

Saturday- We had a chill day  
Sooooor gerd.
I can't wait to see the next one!

Sunday- Went to a different church. A couple of people shared their testimonies and a few of us (including myself) acted out in a skit. I was one of the devil person. I'm not that great of an actress if you didn't know, so acting in this skit was rather difficult for me. But we performed and we did really good! 
Yeah and the church service was awesome! We all met so many great people. And we met a lady who used to live in the area in PNG we are going to. How crazy is that?! She invited us to dinner. I'll get to that story in a wittle bit.
Yup, so later that day the pastor from the church we were staying at invited us for dinner.
He took us to this bolder place. It was pretty neat! Freakin' cold as well. But still pretty neat! 

Then we went back to his place and had dinner with his family. It was so good to just have a home cooked meal. It remind me of back home, so it was soothing to have sort of like a family dinner!

Monday- New Years Eve!!!!!!! We spent New Years with the boys! So fun getting to spend time with them!
We spent New Years on the espionage and just had fun and we watched fire works! It was a fun way to spend the New Year! 
Outreach group!!


It was raining and I had no umbrella... so I just used part of BIL-EY'S pancho!

Michael and I!

"I like turtles"



So yeah, New Years was fun! But then, later on we had to say by to the boys for good. It was so hard saying bye to them!
They taught me so much.
Like how much my actions and attitudes can have an affect on people. 
And they impacted my life more than I impacted theirs.
They all hold a special place in my heart.
I won't ever forget the time I spent with them and I don't ever wanna lose touch with them.
God has got some great things in store!
Adam, Corey, Junior, and Michael I love you all so much!!
Can't wait to see where God takes you and all that He uses you for! You all are awesome!


Tuesday- We got to sleep in a wittle bit that day. Then we all made new years resolution type things. And I really really really wanna stick to my resolutions this time! I'll be honest here for a second... I'm quite proud of myself and I hope I continue on this path.
Then later that day we went to that PNG ladies house for dinner. She cooked us a traditional PNG meal. It was Sago, which is like a tree bark and bananas. It was like a soup! It was really good. The texture was odd and by odd I mean it was like having boogers and mucus in my mouth, but other than that it was so good! It was a total God thing meeting her. She told us what PNG was like and just the life style and I am so thankful to have been able to meet her to help me prepare for when I do go to outreach. 
It was weird though... she didn't have dinner with us. That's just the culture though. She just served us and that was about it. But, really. I am so thankful to have met her! I can't wait to be in PNG!

Here is the Sago/banana soup! I don't really know what I am supposed to call it.

Yeah so then later that night we all watched the Bourne Legacy. It was alright. Matt Damon wasn't in it... so that was a problem.....

Wednesday- We left for Mossmen, Australia that day. It was about an hour away from Cairns. We stayed at another church and this time we got to sleep on benches and not the floor! AH! I got such good sleep that night. Hahah, so yeah that night we had dinner with some of the people from the church, shared our stories, and played with some kids! Lots of fun!!

OOH OOH OHH!!!! And I God gave me a second chance! I got friend number 2 and I didn't kill him this time! Praise God!!!

Thursday- We went to the Mossmen Gorge! It was Gorgeous. Hehehehe.
We just swam and jumped around on rocks. And the current was so strong that it would pull you and you would just let the current take it you! So much fun!! Hahahaha

Oh hahah and then there are like heaps of Bush Turkey, so I decided to video tape one. I LOL at myself when I hear myself freak out a wee bit. Heheheheh

Friday- I SAW A RAINBOW!!!

We went to Port Douglass beach (the beach where Steve Eriwn died!) The waves were big! (Well there is like never waves a the strand, so to me these ones were big!) So for the longest time we just jumped over, dove into, and swam with the waves. So much fun! But it was so freakin' salty. Not even funny how salty it was. My eyes burnt and I swallowed a lot of it and got bunches of it up my nose. So by the time we were finished we were all just drained from the salt and we were just covered in sand and all sticky and gross. Still a fun day though! 

Then later that day after we all quickly showered off we had an outreach debrief, just talked about our experiences and everything that happened during outreach. Then we went to the Pastor's house and had dinner there! It was so yummy! And we got coffee and milo! Gosh, I just love Australian's! They always serve coffee! yeeeeeeeee! Seriously.. every place I have been too they always serve it. Even here on base we get a "Tea Time" 


Saturday- We left to go back to Townsville! It was like a five hour car ride. Pretty fun though. We had lunch at the park and played ninja tag for a bit, then we stopped at the one place that had this shoe type thingy we could get into and it was a representation of how much rain fall they got that year or something like that. It was pretty neat. 

Then we just got back in the car and went on our merry way back to Townsville. 
And during the car ride backI got to...
 sip on some iced coffee
(the freakin' best ice coffee evaaa)

Take random pics with my main girls
And sit in the front seat and enjoy this beautiful view!

Yeah so then we made it back to Townsville! It was good to be back and see/hug everyone and clean my freakin' clothes! Ew oh my gosh... my clothes smelt like something was dying in there. 

Then my outreach team ate din-din together and we all watching that new Spierman movie. It was quite good! 

Yeah so.... I think I told you everything....
 If you read this all, congrats. I'm sure this was rather long and annoying. Soz! 
But yeah these last some odd three weeks were amazing! I love my outreach team and I just love all the people God has put in my life and the revelations He has given me! 
It's good to be back at base! So weird that we are gonna be leaving in three weeks for PNG and then DTS is over. WAAA I FEEL LIKE I JUST GOT HERE!!!! So weird. I'll be back though! muahahaha. 
So yeah! This week we are getting back into the swing of things and we are in lectures learning about Spiritual Warfare. So far it's been really good. I'm ready to see how God speaks this week.
I shall inform you how it goes.
I should probably end this now.
I'll blog y'all soon.
Love use all!


oh p.s. You have cat to be kitten me right meow