Saturday, January 19, 2013


Another week has just flown past me. 
It's crazy to think that I have been here for 3 months. 
It honestly feels like I just got here, but then I think about it and it feels like I have been here for forever.


This week our lectures were on the Bible. 
I thought this week would be super boring, but it was an awesome week! 
My ideas/thoughts/and/perspectives on the Bible have completely changed. 
In such a short time I learned heaps! And I just think of everything else that I don't know yet and I just wanna know! 
The Bible is sooooo interesting guys! Seriously, you should read it. It will blow your mind. 
And just the history about the Bible. Wow... makes me appreciate it so much more. 
We looked a lot into the book of Philemon. (and to be honest I didn't even know that was a book in the Bible) (I'm sure you didn't either you peasants you) 
So my first impressions of Philemon were
2.I can't say those names.
3. Yeah I don't get it.
4.I can't get anything good out of this. 
5.What the (beep)

Honestly! It's like the shortest book in the Bible and in the past I just skimmed over it. 
Basically, Paul wrote a letter to Philemon about forgiving Onesimus.
And you wanna know what I got from that wittle letter? (After learning about it and breaking it down into sections and lalalal)

1.Acceptance of those who have wronged you
3.Respecting authority
4.Walking out in your convictions
5.Chose to walk in God's forgiveness 
7.Seek God's direction
8.Love one another
9.Second chances
10.Free will
11.Restoring relationships
12.Have faith
13.True love brings freedom
14.Give opportunities for others to speak into your life
15.God's grace
17.We are all useful in Christ!!

Yup, yup. 
I learned bunches more than that I promise. But I don't wanna sit here and blog about it. I'm just giving you little bits and pieces of it.

So this week wasn't a terribly exciting one but it was a good one! 
Let's see....
~I worked out! lalla SIXXXPACCCCK, Jk more like pudgy. 
(I am fearfully and wonderfully made) 
~I gotta watch Bridesmaids with all my girls! Such a gooooooooddddddd/funnnyyyyyyyyy movie! Hehehe
~I had another "girls day" and went out shopping with my bezzies Megan and Rahcel! (I've really needed some girl time!)
~The DTS had a 24/7 prayer week and I signed up to pray from 1:30am-2:30am. At first it was difficult cause it was freakin' 1:30am, but once I got into the prayer it ended up being really good and that hour was like the shortest hour of my life. I got a lot for the DTS as a whole. Praying is awesome peoples!!... you should try it every once in a while or like everyday or something.... you'd be amazed.
~I gotta Skype my Grandma, Hannah, and my whole family!
~I worked my last YouthStreet and it went really well! My group played soccer at the Strand and we got some people to play along with us and then I worked in the Café and drank so many frappes and milkshakes just cause I could, teheheh. 
~I went to the market one last time.. CAUSE I'M GOING TO PNG
and I got all my  gift shopping done (family... be prepared, I got you guys the best gifts evaaa)
~I dyed my hair purple.

Yup, so that was about my week....

So weird that this week is my last week here and then I'm gone for six weeks to PNG. Oh my heavens I am so excited. I cannot wait! God's gonna do some crazy stuff and I'm so happy I get to be part of it! I can't wait to see all that happens there. And to be smelly and not care! WOOHOO!

Oh! Did I tell you guys how I have to poop in PNG??!?!?
Well... Imma tell you anyway! 
So... we have to do something we call the "squatty potty" so yes you are right... I have to squat. Funny thing is is that the toilet is up on these stilts and you just squat and do your business and everyone else can see what you are doing below cause it's just like a pit of yuckieness. I've even been told that sometimes there will be like pigs or dogs below just eating away.... ewwy.... Hahahahaha, I'm so excited!! Hopefully I won't get the runs though... that would suck.... any who I'm gonna stop talking about poop now.
Oh and when I shower I just have to use a bucket. It's gonna be awesome!!!

Mmmm, well this week we are learning about evangelism I think? This week will be good! Cause it will prepare us for going on outreaches. 
Then this week I gotta  pack and get ready for outreach and clean and etc.etc.etc. and then on the 26th I'm off to PNG!!! YAY! First I head off to Port Morsby for a day or two and then for the rest of the six weeks I will be in the Gulf Province going to different villages. Have I mentioned to you that I am so excited?!?!?!?!Hehehehe.

Well, Toodles everyone! I hope you all have a great week. Imma go and have a traditional Australian meal now... Fish n' Chips.... 

(yeah I don't think that's a traditional meal at all.... I just made that up to sound cool)

           Alright.... bye everyone! Love you all!!
            Peace out/God bless

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