Thursday, January 24, 2013

You know chinese food? In China they just call it food

I finished lectures... That's just mind blowing in itself.
Just knowing that one part of DTS is over and I am moving onto the next.

(This is Megan and I on the last day of Lectures. 
We are sad....)

HOLY CRAP I'M GOING TO PNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Honestly... a year ago I never ever never never never expected me to be here... in Australia. Half way around the world from my home, Tennessee. It's just crazy! I cannot believe where God has taken me and just knowing where He is gonna take me gives me like butterflies. I CANNOT WAIT!!! I can't believe that at one point I thought I shouldn't come here. PSH... man was I wrong! God kept shoving it in my face that I was meant to come here and gloooorrrrrryyy am I happy He did! YAYA!

okayokayokayokay. I'm just so full of excitement right now you guys... you have no idea. Like aasdfdjaksdfjaekfjasldfkjds, holy poop.

Yeah soooo okay... let me get focused here.

lalalallalalallalallalalala okayokayokay.

So yeah! LAST WEEK OF LECTURES... WHAAAAT?!?!?!?! So crazy. It's so bittersweet. Cause I remember my first week of lectures and I was just so happy to be there and now here I am 3 months later a completely different person. I'M SO HAPPY GUYS! I LOVE GOD AND I LOVE LIFE. I JUST LOVE EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE. hahahah. okay...

Anywhozle... this week in lectures we learned about evangelism... ew... I'm not to fond of that word. I've always thought people who evangelized are just craycray people who run up to people and try and shove God down their throat and you have to be all Christiany and be in a 3rd world country and blahblahblah. WRONG!  Hahaha I crack myself up.
Evangelism is all about relationship (I got that one from my dad) 
But honestly it is! YOU, ME, ANYONE who has God in their life can go out anywhere... ANYWHERE and minister to others. Right in the comfort of your own home you can be a disciple. You can go to the ends of the earth and share the love of God. YOU CAN DO IT ANYWHERE. waaaahhhh, so freakin' awesome. 
And you don't have to go run up to people and tell them all about Christ's love. You can just show it. Love on them. UGH! Such an awesome thing. I really wish I would have gotten the concept  of this sooner. No matter where you go in life, no matter what you do, who you are with, YOU CAN ALWAYS SHARE THE LOVE OF CHRIST. Always. Wow.... such an amazing thing. I challenge you (and myself, obvi) to do just that. No matter where you are. Just show Christ's love and serve people and just love on them and lalala and people will be attracted to that. And I know it works. I've seen it happen in Cairns. I had someone come up to me and ask me if I was on drugs cause I was just always happy and what not and I just said "Nope! I just got Jesus Christ in me!" It works... I promise. 
And when that time comes when they wanna know more... you can tell them more and then hopefully... (I PRAY!) they will come to accept Christ into their life. Ahhh, such a beautiful thing.
So... evangelism... it's about Relationships and out of that someone could come to Christ just by the attitude and actions you have. 

"Preach the gospel and if necessary, use words."
                         -Francis of Assisi


I call it my "EW!" face.

Ah yes! Sooooo... 
And yeah so you think the little bits of rain you get back home are bad... you need a reality check and you need to get your butt over to Australia. 
And not just like sprinkling... it was straight down pouring. 
It was starting to flood. 
And it wasn't like blistering hot out. There was a little bit of a breeze and you didn't get melt the minute you stepped outside. 
Ahhh, it was so peaceful to fall asleep to.
I loved it! I wore my comfy clothes those days, hehehehe
OH! and a few of us went out and played soccer in the down pouring rain! SO MUCH FUN!!!! I mean you couldn't really see and it hurt, but it was so much fun! We would all slide tackle and every time someone scored we would just slide into this puddle/pool thingy. 
Hahah and then when I went and showered I had so much grass up my butt. 
Here's a video of the rain!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, so nothing much happened this week. Just preparing for outreach. WAAAAHHHHH!!!! By this time tomorrow I will be in PNG! I don't have enough words to describe my excitement.

As I have told you guys my team is the LF team and we will be distributing medication for it. This week my team and I learned a lot more about LF and we just became more educated in it. And we had to practice distributing the pills and recording it all and asking questions to the patients and oh my heavens you peoples... I felt so in my element. I CANNOT WAIT... like seriously I know I keep saying that, but ugggh... guys.... my passion for medical missions is just getting bigger and bigger and I'm just so excited to just be able to be part of this and see God move in PNG. I feel so lucky and blessed! 

EEEEEEEEE!!!!!! It's funny how before I even got here I didn't even know of PNG, let alone LF. Now I'm here and my passion for PNG just keeps growing. 

So yes... I will be in PNG for six weeks in the Gulf Province. Every week we will be in a different village. (WE TRAVEL BY BOAT!!! WOOOT) And as I have said we are mainly working with LF. But we will also be speaking in churches, acting out skits, and just loving on the communities. It's gonna be awesome! For six weeks I sleep on the ground, go poop outside, take showers by just dumping water on myself, and I can't show my knees or shoulders. And you know what guys? I couldn't feel more blessed. I can't wait to see God move and heal and see people come to Christ and just see His kingdom come. 

I also won't have any source of communication for these next six weeks (maybe a phone call? but I will call my family, obvi!) but yeah... if you guys are interesting in knowing what is going on with the LF team you can look up the hashtag below on Twitter or Instagram or just google it if you don't have a Twitter or Instagram!


I'm pretty positive they will be updating everyday... if not... whoops! SOZ! 
But yeah! Look up the hashtag guys! 
(And remember mom and dad... no news is good news! But if you do happen to get a random phone call from a weird number it will most likely be me!)

Well, I gotta go finish up a few things, take a shower cause I smell, go worship!!!!!!!!, go to bed, then wake up at 3:30am to head to Cairns to fly to Port Morsby!!! Yeeeee!!! I will talk to you all in six weeks. 

I would really love if you guys could continually pray for my outreach team and all the other teams as well!

I hope you all have an amazing six weeks! I can't wait to come back and tell you all my adventures. 

                 Love you all! God bless!!

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

Sooooooooo..... my precious, precious, precious, precious, adorable, awesome, beautiful, amazing, gift from God, amazing, gorgeous, cute, every good word in the dictionary possible nephew  RIAIN will be turning two... TWO (WHAT THE HECK!!! TIME HAS JUST FLOWN PAST ME!) while I am away in PNG.
So Riain.... 
Riain... I love you soooooo much. Seeing you grow from when you were a tiny little thing inside your mommy to where you are now has been the biggest blessing. I miss you more and more everyday. Seeing you grow, hearing all the new words you say, watching you do pushups, and just everything, ugggh! Makes me the proudest Aunt possible. I could not imagine life without you. You brighten everything up. Missing your birthday is honestly one of the hardest things ever for me. But know how much I love you. ANDDD! I got the cutest little thing for you! I can't wait to give it to you! I know you are gonna have a great birthday! I've heard mommy is throwin' you a parrrtaaay. I can't wait to see pictures! I love you my wittle poophead. Can't wait for that day to come I can finally hold you! 
                  Love always, Aunt Shee-shaa

Hours after Riain was born
January 29, 2011
5lbs 3oz
Riain's 1st birthday!!!!

Riain and Aunt Shee-Shaa

I love you so much Riain!!!!
Have an amazing birthday!
Gah you are two! I'm gonna cry....
Go eat an extra piece of cake for me
and get a sugar rush so you won't sleep
and keep mommy and daddy up all night
hehehehe just kidding.
Love you my wittle poophead

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