Sunday, November 18, 2012

Drop Bears United.

I'm gonna start off this blog a little differently than the usual. 

Okay.... soooo it was brought to my attention that looking up "awful taxidermy" is quite possibly the funniest thing in this entire world. If you're having a bad day oh! just google "awful taxidermy" you need a good laugh yup! just google "awful taxidermy" or you just need to be reminded that your life could be so much worse google "awful taxidermy"!!!!!
yeah... it will change your way of life forever. I've never LOLed so hard in my life.

You're welcome. 

Oh! YOU GUYS I GOT TO SKYPE HANNAH!!!!!! EEEEPPPPP!!!! At first my sound didn't work, so it was just her talking and me typing, but I prayed and prayed and God answered my prayers! Then we got to just scream at each other pure joy of our excitement! I love having someone to talk to that knows exactly how I feel even though I have no words to express my love for YWAM.

Hannah-I love you and seeing your beautiful face over Skype made my week so much better. It was so good talking to you!! God has blessed you and I cannot wait to hear all the people you are going to bless. I miss you bunches and bunches! I cannot wait till that day we are together in person talking about our adventures! EEE! I LOVE YOUUUUUU!!!

Ain't she adorbs?!?!?! ^^^^^

So, this blog doesn't really have much to do with anything, I just felt the want to blog. Keep y'all updated ya know!?!

Mmmmmm.... yes! I remember what I was gonna tell you all. 
Yeah, so on Thursday we celebrated Thanksgiving! It was yummy in my tummy!!!! 
Then!!! We had a dance party!! Who has a dance party right after we eat our butts off?! YEAH WE DO!!! We danced so much we set off the fire alarm, yup we are that hot. 

Probz one of the greatest dance parties evaaaaa.

I'm just so in love with it here!! 

Yup, yup, yup.

Oh! Then Friday the girls had a girls night ON THE SHIP! WHAAAAATTTTT!!!!! It twas fun. We just watched movies (She's the Man) (funny freakin' movie) and ate so much chocolate that I thought I could never eat chocolate again. Hahah jk, that didn't last long. I eat way too much chocolate. HATERS GONNA HATE! 
Then sleeping on the ship wasn't oh so bad. Just a wee bit at a tilt, but it was so peaceful! And I got to sleep in till like 9! Oh that was much needed.

My Weekend:
Saturday: Youthstreet! Best week so far. My team went out to the strand and played basketball. It was bunches of fun! We first played four on four then we played this game called "poison" and if you don't know what it is, find out what it is and play it. Best game ever. I'm too lazy to tell you how to play. I'll tell you later if you're lucky. AND WE FINALLY GOT KIDS TO PLAY WITH US!!! These kids were walking past us and I heard one of them say how we were playing poison, so I just asked them if they wanted to join and they did!! WOOT WOOT!!! We've been praying about that for a while and God has answered our prayers!! We are getting some breakthrough. It's awesome!!  
Then, it was Youthstreet Live and I worked in the café. Drank bunches of left over frappes. Then during 180 hour there was this little thing called "The Voice" and some kids sang and they were all so talented! EP! 
Oh and yeah, I got injured ONCE AGAIN! Ugh, every Saturday I have done something to hurt myself. Crazy. First week my back, second week I burnt the crap out of my finger, and then this week I got this huge bruise on my shoulder and knee from fighting for the basketball. I wonder what I'll hurt next week!!! 
Oh, then to wrap up Youthstreet we all danced our butts off. It was one sweaty mess. But it was oh so fun!!! 

Sunday: Went to the strand yoooooo! Bunches of fun hanging out with my peeps and not having to do anything but lay on the beach and soak up the sun and enjoy all the beauty around me! Lalalalalalalal.

Bahah, can you see that random arm just in that picture. LOL. LAWLZ. ROLF.

Oh yes! and I tried calamari for the first time. It was purdy good. 

I went omm nom on that calamari. 


Heheh, here are some of my other mates. I love dem so much! 

Oh! Yes! So last week as I informed you we learned about the character of God. Pretty good week! I learned a lot and it was probably the one week where I took more than one page of notes. (more like three pages minimum) But if you are reading this and have time I urge you to go onto and look up "How Great is Our God." by Louie Giglio. Here I will make it easier for you and give you the link cause that is how much I want you to watch this.

Just watch it, please. You'll understand why I love it so much. 

This week we are learning about Missions! Definitely very excited for this week cause I feel like I will  be doing missions for quite some time!!!  Then next week we are going camping for two weeks!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!! Cannot wait!!!


So yes, I have told you I am going to PNG for my outreach. My team and I are gonna be doing some crazy things, I cannot wait! I still have a little bit of money to raise for outreach and if you feel lead to donate to me, please, please, please contact me somehow. I would gladly appreciate anything. If you can't, please, please, please pray for me. I could definitely use a lot prayers!

Mmmmmmm, I hope I ain't forgetting anything. Well, I'm just gonna wrap this up anyway. 
I'll blog again soon my lovelies! Thanks for reading this! It makes me feel so special. Teheheheheehe. 

I love you all and God bless!!! 

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