Friday, November 2, 2012

Joshua 1:9

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."

So this week, oh this past week.
It's been a rough one. But a good one.
First I was just so angry cause I didn't wanna be in the outreach  team I was. 
Then, we had a worship service the next day and I let that all go. It was crazy weird. I could just feel God placing His hand on me and telling me "It's gonna be alright." That was a pretty emotional day for lots of people. I was prayed for and I prayed for others. But that was only the beginning...

The past two days were the days we cleared our conscience. We weren't pressured into anything, we just went up on our own free will. It took me some strength and a who bunch of humility, but I went up there and in front of my whole YWAM family I just let it all pour out. I shared some things I have never ever told anyone. Things my friends don't know and some things my family don't even know. Things I had just kept bottled all up inside of me. I was prayed for over a bunch of beautiful sisters in Christ. This weight was just lifted off my shoulders. I feel free. From all the hurt, all the times I thought I was a failure, all the times I messed up... it was just gone. That guilt and that shame was just taken away. I won't forget all that has happened and all that I have done, but I just don't live with the pain anymore. And that is the greatest feeling ever. It was honestly the thing that was holding me back from getting closer to God. That day brought my YWAM family and I closer together. I've only known them two weeks and here I am telling them my deepest secrets. But, I've never felt better. I cannot explain to you all enough just how much I love it here. 

So yeah, after the first day of clearing our conscience we all felt it was right to treat ourselves to some ice cream! So we headed over to Castle Town and went to Maccas (Mcdonalds) and got  30 cent ice cream cones! Along with some other goodies to take back. CAUSE WE HAD A MOVIE NIGHTTTT, WHAAAAAATTTTTT!!!!!!! On some bean bags, we watched Madagascar 3 on the big screen. It was so freakin' gewwwwd/funny! Heheheheheh.

Doesn't my life rock?!??!?!?! Hah.

So yeah, the second day we had another day of clearing our conscience. I didn't think I would go up again, cause I went the day before. But, God told me to share something else. So, I did. And it was just another weight lifted off my shoulders! And with all that happening the past two days, I felt that it gave me the strength to pray for others more. I used to be really shy about it and just not do it, but after all that happened I just got up and prayed for lots of people! YAY! That was something I had been praying about for a while. I prayed for prayer. Weird, eh? 

Well any who. These past two days were some emotional ones. I'm sure you can tell with the little details I gave you, but there was just so much more to it that you guys don't know. But, I'm not gonna go into any more detail about it. 

So onto a different subject!! Last night a bunch of us went to the strand. There was a little market thingy going on. I loved it so much!!! I wanted to buy so many things, too bad I'm broke. Well.... not really. I'm just trying to save my money for other things. And I only had $15 Australian dollars on me. Family.... you would have loved it there. Next time it comes around I will prepare myself and buy you all things from it! WOOT! 
Oh yeah and then on our way home we ran into a HUGE FREAKIN' COCKROACH! IT WAS GIANT! IT COULD HAVE KILLED US! Well... not really.... BUT IT FREAKIN' HISSED AT US!!!! Cockroaches don't do that in 'murica and they for sure are not that big. 
Here take a look. 

Welp, I feel like I have informed you on most of my life these past couple of days. If not, ooops. Too bad. I will just write another post oorrrrrrrr we could totes be pen pals! Yeaaah, ya dig?! 

So today is Saturday and that means Youthstreet. I am on the sports team and so today I get to school everyone in a game of soccer. Be prepared Tim, just cause you're from England doesn't mean anything. This is my house. 
Then I get to work in the cafĂ©!!! Yeeee!! I get to make cool drinks and stuff. And sometimes there is too much made, so I get  some of the yummy drinks and it's SOOOOOO GERRRRDDDDD! Hehe oh and we have to dress up like nerds. I'm gonna rock that. Gonna pull my pants up, put my spectacles on, and wear my long socks. I'll be oh so nerdyyyyyyyyyyyy 
So I am probably boring you. Sawes. I will go now. I love you all bunches and bunches. 
God bless!
p.s. Beard, you are awesome for making me coffee. I love you and your beard.
It's so yummy!! The coffee that is, not your beard. That would just be weird. 


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