Wednesday, November 14, 2012


So I'm sure you guys heard of the solar eclipse that happened. Yeah, well did you see it? CAUSE THIS CHICK DID!!!! Yup, it was pretty freakin' sweet if I do say so myself. I woke up at 4:45a.m. to trek up Castle Hill which is just basically straight up the whole way and you faa shoo feel da burn. 
So anywhozzle.... I got to the top right in the nick of time to see the sunrise and gaaah! It was breathtaking! I don't know if you have seen a sunrise or not, but if you haven't I highly recommend it. God's beauty is crazy good. Just sayin' try it for yourself. 
I mean... God bless... is that not just the prettiest sight ever?! 

So yes, the solar eclipse (that's where the moon is in front of the sun if you didn't know). That happened. And you can't look directly at the sun cause if you didn't know the sun is kind of bright. I think my vision is a wee bit impaired now cause of looking at it... whoops. Totally worth it though. But yeah, there are like different ways to go about looking at the sun rather than just blinding yourself. So some of them (not me obviously) came prepared for this occasion by bringing card board and making pin holes out of it and projecting it on a blanket or using a cereal box and blah blah blah. It didn't really work out too terribly well. But hey! I still got some sweet pics. 

Check dem outtttttttt, yooooo

This is through one of dem 3D glasses thingy. Ain't that pretty neat?!?!

IS THAT NOT LIKE THE COOLEST THING EVERRRRR?!?!? WEEEEEEEE, How great is our God by the way?! To create something like a solar eclipse... just blows my mind. 

Oh! And of course I got a video of it, heheheh

Pretty sweet, ammi right or wuuut?!

Lalal, oh! and I cannot forget to brag about my pretty frands.


for the....


This one makes my heart smile. 

LOLZ I got myself a double chin goin' on in this one.But this picture is priceless. I love it! 

So when the solar eclipse was in full effect it was the weirdest thing ever! It was like dark, but not dark. It was like the moon was in front of the moon or something. I dunno. But it was so awesome and a privilege to be able to partake in something like that! I feel so lucky!! Definitely one of the coolest experiences of my life... so far...

Yup, yup, yup! And then I got home my adventure and my secret person had given me a flower (and chocolate as always) and I just about freaked out! Cause I LUUUURRRRVVVVVVV FLOWERS! I talk about sunflowers all the time, heheh. Then to top that all off, I finished all my home work and my paper and eeeep!... best feeling ever! I feel so relived cause I was stressing out a bit with all that I had to do. Now I after lectures and my placement ministries I basically have the rest of the day off! Wuuut wuut, Well...only until next week. Haha. 
Oh! And tomorrow we are celebrating Thanksgiving! My first holiday without my family (sad face) That's gonna be weird, but I am excited to celebrate it with my YWAM fam! And we had to send in a family picture just in like to honor our families and what not and this is the picture I chose.....

Bahahahaha, I love my family. Don't hate me family, this picture is the greatest. 

K... well bye-bye! Bloggie another dayie
Luv you all and God bless!!


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