Monday, November 12, 2012

Queens Garden!

Weeeeee! So after a very emotional and draining, but very, very, very good week I decided to treat myself to something. That something was Queens Garden. HOLY POOP! It was like heaven on earth. I'm making a special blog full of pictures just cause I fell in love with it so quickly. It just made me fall more in love with God. He left me speechless at all the beauty He created. 

Okay, I'm gonna stop talking about it and just let you see it for yourself. 

And just to let you all know, if I do ever happen to run away for some odd reason... it will be there. 

Ain't this the prettiest thing you have ever seen?!!?!  

I mean seriously! Come on, Lord you are too good to me. 




Praise Jesus! I feel like such a princess cause I got to see all His beauty in one place. I'm one happy girl!

This was my favorites. Look how beautiful it is!!!! 

Even the spiders were pretty looking!!! WAAAAA! And I hate spiders. SO MUCH. Not this one though, this one is cool.

Made a mark at Queens Garden! 

Just soaking up God's beauty.

This is Tim. He is alright. Hehe, jk he is the greatest. 



I wuv them so much. 

If you listen closely you can hear the birdy say "Hi!" And also Tim saying how he wants to poke the birds feathers with his stick. 

So yeah, this week we are learning about understanding the character of God. It's not emotionally and spiritually draining like the last two weeks ( far...) but I am so extremely  interested in learning this subject. It's crazy good! I shall blog about all that at the end of the week. So be prepared/super duper excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also, this week we are doing like a "secret santa"/""be a blessing to someone" week. We got someones name and we just give them cute little gifts or notes or things in that nature. I love it! The person I got is a lucky one. I got them such good things! And the person who has me... I think they are trying to make me fat cause all I have gotten so far is chocolate. They definitely know the way to my heart that's for sure. 
Well any who, I gotta ttyl. I've got tons of work to be doing! WAAAAA. Lalalallalalalala okay bye-bye. Blog sometime later. 


p.s. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY SMALL GROUP LEADER SAM!! She is the absolute greatest leader God could have chosen for me. I love her and she is so pretty heheheh. I hope you have an awesome birthday, Sam! 

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