Friday, November 23, 2012


ATTENTION: This is going to be my last blog for the next two weeks.
Why, you ask? Oh only because I am going camping for TWO WEEKS in the outback. No biggie.
I get to roomy it up in a nice tent with Rachel and Megan! I am totes excited. (DUTCH OVEN-IT IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN)
Then we basically do everything that we would normally do here, but all outdoors! And I've been told we get lots of free time and I can just go on long walks with God. You have no idea how excited I am for that. 
I'm sorry my YWAM fam... I need my alone time, so I'm gonna take advantage of this situation and go on freakin' long walks. 

Yup, okay. Well this week has been a pretty hard week for me. One night God was just really telling me to just sit in His presence. So, I sat outside on the grass looking up at the stars for about two hours. That was a much needed two hours. God really spoke to me. He basically just told me to fast. Not from food, but from friends. I was getting to wrapped up in everyone else around me and losing sight of Him and His purpose for me. And... as much as I didn't want too I spent this whole week being pretty anti-social with my YWAM family. Obviously I couldn't just be away from them for the whole week, but any free time I got I spent it with just God. It was very, very, very much needed. I'm working on trying to find a balance between God and friends and to have more discipline in my life. It's only getting better from here! I feel so much better. 

Then this week we learned about missions. I didn't really think I was gonna get anything out of this week, but man was I ever so wrong! It was really funny how God just kept on showing me and showing me and showing me how much He wants me to live a life in missions. Especially being a midwife. Yes I said that right!  A MIDWIFE!!!! If you know me you would know that I really want to be a nurse, especially a nurse in Labor and Delivery. I freak out over the miracle of life and every aspect of it. God just really laid it on my heart this week that that is what I am meant to do! Especially in third world countries and I feel that God is leading me more towards PNG. I'm so excited for the future you guys! You have no idea how much joy I have in my heart right now. Missions is gonna be something I am gonna do for a lifetime. AHHHH!!!!!! EP EP EP!!!! and at every birth I am at I am gonna have a sunflower, heheheheheh. I love sunflowers if you didn't know. 


Okay... I am done about that now.... 
wait no I'm not.... shootout to Hadley who sent me a picture of sunflowers to wish me happy birthday. I LOVE YOUUUU!!!!! THIS MADE MY DAY!!!!! AND YOU'RE REALLY PRETTY!!!
Aren't they just the prettiest things you have ever seen?!?!?!?!?

Okay... now I am officially done. 

Oh yeah, but speaking of my birthday. I managed to have not everyone (only a select few) know it was my birthday, but stupid FB let everyone know. But, when everyone else started finding out I just felt so loved! And I got some of the greatest gifts. Cause not very many people knew it was my birthday, they decided to just take their own things and give it to me. That meant a lot to me. And I got these really nice pants from one girl, and the funny thing is, is that I really needed pants like that for outreach! EEEE! I love how God works. But the greatest birthday presents were: 
1.Seeing sunflowers
2. Talking to my whole family. That was the greatest. Gah! I love them so much. 

OOO! And then on Wednesday (the day after my birthday in Australia, but in America is was my actual birthday, so I guess it was my birthday... I'm confusing myself...) But every Wednesday we have a Family Night BBQ and that's when they celebrate birthday's. So, I got a cake and I got the birthday song sung to me. I probably looked extremely uncomfortable when everyone was singing to me cause well I was, but I really really enjoyed it. And the cake was AMAZINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!! I got like a chocolate espresso cheesecake! ERMERGERD IT WAS SO GERDDDDDD. 

So this week.... this week... we had to get everyones outreach fees in by Friday. We literally had over $100,000 we still all owed. I still had to pay for my outreach and I was lacking a little bit and I prayed a lot about it, but God kept telling me not to worry... so I didn't. And... well I just wanna point out that I have THE GREATEST dad in the entire world. He graciously paid for the remaining part of what I owed and you have no idea how thankful I am for that. Ugh, guys. My dad is better than yours. End of story. I am forever and always your superstar daddy. I love you much!!!!!
So yeah, on Thursday we decided to have a giving night. Whatever you felt like giving you could just give it. (You weren't pressured into giving anything at all, it was your choice.) I gave a few small things and I some great things!!(I got a ring, a little journal, a cupcake for my birthday, and the bestest... words of encouragement by so many people!), but I didn't think that I should give any money cause at this point I am dead broke, so I just kind of stood back while we were doing the money part of the giving process. But then, something in me (Holy Spirit) told me to just give it. Honestly, I didn't want too. I wanted to be greedy and keep the small amounts of money I had to buy food.... but I knew that giving what I had would be far better than me getting fat. So with the small amount I had I gave it to two different people that mean bunches to me. I don't know if by me giving them such a small amount mattered or not, but it was a huge learning process for me. I know God will provide for me and for once in my life I am actually happy to be broke! I'm rich in my own way. 
Oh yeah, might I add that at the beginning of the night we still had $35,000 in debt. In one hour, ONE HOUR, we were at $0 in debt. ONE HOUR. And it was given all from everyone in the DTS and the staff. That's crazy. Like... my mind is blown. I can't wrap my head around the fact that that happened. If the Holy Spirit wasn't filling the room that night I don't know what was. WAH! God is just too good. 
If you can see it the white board has $0 on the board and that little board was our money tracker. At the beginning of the week it was way below the circle bit. Yup... God is good. 

Oh yeah! The whole base fasted this week. I have never fasted before, but it was a good experience. It was only for a day. But the feeling of hunger I normally get just wasn't there. It was a pretty good feeling! Then, when I finally got to eat I never ever ever appreciated food more in my life. EP! Don't you just love food?! We are so blessed that God created something like food! 

So yeah, by the end of the week. I had spent lots of alone time, lots of time crying(obvi)and lots of prayers. It was a week I definitely needed. I feel refreshed and ready to take this step forward forgetting my life to live a life for Christ. That's in missions! Crazy how God makes all things work out, right?! It may not be the way you want it to go, but in the end His plan is far better than yours ever could be. He's got a special and unique plan for you, for me, and for everyone, so there is no room for worry or fear. 

Okay, okay, okay, okay. So after being anti-social for about like a week I went to the movies with a heap of people. We went and saw that Skyfall James Bond movie. It was pretty good! And it was really good to just get out and enjoy myself and enjoy the ones around me. lalalallalalalalalal

Here's a photo booth picture from it! 

K, well I think I have said everything I needed too. I hope so. If not... .you will just have to wait to weeks. EPP! I'm so excited! Camping is gonna be amazingggggggggggggg. I'm excited to be outdoors everyday, to sleep in a tent, to go on long walks, to not shower, to go in the river, and ect. I feel that this past week was just preparing me for the next two. I am beyond excited! I cannot wait! Yup, yup, yup. And I am a wee bit excited to not have any sort of communication. I'm sorry parents.... But really, I'm not gonna have those distractions of the internet. It's just gonna be me and God and well my whole other DTS, but you are catching my drift. These next two weeks are gonna be life changing, I know it. 

So, bye-bye everyone! I can't wait to return and tell you all about my adventures. God bless each and everyone of you! Hope you  have an a spectacular two weeks!! Love you all!!


And I shall leave this last picture (for the next two weeks) of myself to you all. For you to like stare at or something. Or remember me by if I happen to get eaten by some 20 foot snake. Just know that I left this world the happiest girl alive, but if I don't die... then I'm still the happiest girl alive.

Okay.... bye. 


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