Sunday, November 4, 2012


This weekend has been quite an eventful one. The weeks here just fly by, then the weekends just zoom by. Especially Sunday's cause that is my one day off. 
Saturday was YouthStreet. It was "Nerd Day" and this is what I looked liked 
I was the bestest nerd there ever was that day. 

That's me dancin' in the corner. Yup.....

So, how YouthStreet works is that from around 2pm-almost 5pm we are in our groups. I happen to be in the Sports Connect group which is the greatest group alive. Not really, cause we have no crew(children) to be part of cause we are a new group. We basically just go out and try and stalk kids to come and play some games with us. Well.. this weekend we went to the strand and played some soccer. I of course obviously schooled everyone in a a game of soccer (yes even you Timothy)muahahahhaha. Then we played football, which I am not too good at. Usually the boys never pass to me (sad face). We somewhat attempted to get children to play with us, it didn't really work. By the end we made our way to the b-ball courts. I wanted to show my homies some of my moves and in the mist of me dribbling the ball, jumping some awkward jump, and throwing the ball way over the back board I managed to hurt by back pretty freakin' badly. It was quite embarrassing/funny the whole situation, but my back hurt so bad! I pulled through for YouthStreet Live, even though I had to hold back on doing some of my rad dance moves. So, I just worked in the CafĂ© and made lots of brownie frappes and ate one too many brownie frappes. By the end of the night my back was killing me and my tummy was hurting. So I got some ice and sat. It was extremely uncomfortable so I laid on the ground with ice on my back, and when you lay down with ice on your back you can't just be left alone, your peeps in your YWAM fam will obviously be doing something. This something was stacking basically every chair in the room on me. Yup.... Gosh I love it here. 

My YWAM fam is better than yours.

So yeah! I also got a good massage from my bezzie Rachel, she is the absolute greatest. She even trimmed my hair for me!! I wuv her. 

K, well then Sunday rolled around and every Sunday the Market takes place. It's soooooooo00o0o0oOOO0000ooooo awesome. I can't wait to go back next Sunday cause there are bunches of other things I am gonna buy! YEEEEEEEEEE!!! So yeah... I got my hair wrapped by a fairy there. Literally she was a fairy. She was all cute and little, with face paint on, and some rad dreads. Oh! And she even had fairy wings on. Her voice was so cute and she even laughed like a fairy! I dunno how they laugh, but I am sure they laugh like her. So... she is a fairy. 
Looky! Ain't it purdy?!?!? I love dem. And I wanna be a fairy now. 

Oh, and everything is bigger in Australia. Like the bugs and the backpacks. 

The rest of the day we went to the strand. It was bunches of fun!  There was a net and stuff around where we could swim, cause it's November and that means all the jelly fish come out and get ya. So we just had fun jumping in the waves, playing a terrible game of chicken, and swimming to the end of the net even though we were freakin' scared something would get us. 
After a long walk back we all chilled for a bit and then a few of  us went to one of the church services they have at the YWAM base. It twas pretty good. But afterwards I took a much needed shower. Much needed. I kept getting sand out of my hair and ears. 

Well since today is Monday, that means we have to wake up early early (5:45am rather than 6:25a.m.) to do morning exercises. I love it! I am getting in pretty good shape being here. Cause I run/workout every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, then every day I am walking somewhere really far. WOOOOP! 

Lalalla, then today. I am getting breakfast, right? I am pouring my cereal and BAM! My phone drops. Not thinking of anything (cause I have a LifeProof case) I pick it up. I turn it over and my phone has cracked! ARRRRGGGGGGGG! I am so mad. So, so, so, so mad. LifeProof my butt. Ugh. Second time that has happened to me and this time I can't fix it

Oh well.. That's not what I am here for. Still just an annoyance though. 

Well we have lectures as always this week. This week is Identity week. We all cleared our conscience now we don't know who the heck we are. Hahah, jk. This will be a good week, probably another hard week though. 

Well, TTYL! Much love and God bless!


1 comment:

  1. Elissa, I love you!!!! and miss you. I am very thankful for Skype and your Blog. Your Grandmother thinks you are a great writer and funny..She enjoys these so much..write her a special note. Sorry to hear about your phone..that's a bummer. I look forward to seeing what the week brings? Love Dad
