Friday, October 19, 2012


YAYAYAYAY! I made it!!!! It was pretty crazy, lemme tell you....I am a terrible traveler and my super awkwardness doesn't help.

On my first flight I had to fly alone... I thought I had a window seat and I was sooo freakin' excited! I even texted my mommy my joy and tweeted about it and then this couple comes up to me and tells me I'm in there seat... I actually got the aisle seat. So... of course I was sad. And then we had to start buckling up and I was attempting to try and buckle myself and somehow the seatbelt slipped out of my hand and hit the lady next to me, I also had to ask her to help me turn off my phone, and her and her significant other were very touchy.....

So then I landed in LAX where I met up with some of my mates (Rachel, Andrea, Mollie, Brittney and Larry) we were all super duper excited and probably annoyed everyone around us. I also spent 14 bucks for a salad and a drink! RIPPPP OFFFFF. 
We then boarded our plane around 11:45pm on this huge, big, giant plane where I sat down in the middle next to these old aussie peeps.... which I ended up being in the wrong seat AGAIN! They had to get up for me so I could move (sorry old aussie people!) I basically somehow slept almost the whole time. I got breakfast and dinner (which I ended up squirting my dressing sauce on the lady next to me), and I attempted to watch What to Expect When You're Expecting (that's for you Anna, Sara, and Mommy) Madagascar 3, and Magic Mike (I don't suggest that) but I did watch The Lorax all the way through and I loved that movied, made me giggle and feel all happy in my moment of uncomfortableness! So after a 14 hour friggen long flight we finally landed in Bribane at 6:00a.m. on Saturday October, 20 (I didn't get to live in October 19! ): ) We then had to go through customs and get doggie searched and Rachel got help up cause she had an orange on her... OOO RULE BREAKER! She got it confiscated. 

And this is where things start to get crazier. 

Okay, so I had a flight at 4p.m. later today and all my other mates had a flight at 8:35a.m. I would have had a 10 hour lay over, in Brisbane, all by my lonesome. I definitely didn't want to that! So I tried changing that. I kept going up to people asking for help and they would direct me to going to these people, so I would have to run to all these other places with a backpack on and carrying a duffle bag (very difficult to do by the way) So finally I got to the right person and at first he told me there was nothing he could do, but I guess it was just a total God thing cause he decided to change his mind and see what he could do (and he kept telling me he never ever does this for people) so I ended up getting the same flight as all my mates AND I GOT A WINDOW SEAT!!! So by then it was like 8:05a.m. (remember that this flight is at 8:35) I then had to go and check in my bag, I didn't know what I was doing so I had to go and ask for me, then I got rushed to security  where they had to search my lap top and take my scissors cause they were too sharp. So then they let me go and to make matters worse I LOST MY PASSPORT! I was freaking out by now and was on the verge of tears. I was searching all over for it and then this lady comes up to me and had it... I left it at the baggage check! So now I am full sprint to get to my plane ( I honestly thought I was going to miss it) I had no idea where I was going, but then I found my spot and I saw the flight attendant closing the door and I was screaming at her "MA'AM, MA'AM!!!" (so by now I thought I really missed my flight) and all my YWAM mates just looked at me and just said "Elissa..." and I looked at  them and just fell... I was panting and basically crying just telling all that has just happened to me. And they all said they just they could hear my shoes squeaking and saw me booking it from around the corner. Hahaha! Crazy, right? I'm just gonna take this time and praise God for making all that happened. I still would have been in the airport if that didn't. So I got to enjoy a nice two hour flight to Townsville looking out the window, seeing all of God's beautiful creations.

Now I am just at my base hanging around all my mates, eaten' food, and blogging. I'm also attempting to try and talk to my parents, but it's like 10p.m. there. So Mommy, Daddy I'm here safe and sound!! 

Well, haha imma stop this. Internet gets cut off soon, I'm jet lagged, and I need to go and get supplies. WEEEEEEE! So, luvv you all! God bless


  1. Oh my gosh.
    I love you.
    I was laughing this entire entry, i could just see you booking it through the airport and screaming at people. It's like you were telling me the story yourself! i loveeeee you!

  2. oh my darling Elissa! what an adventure!!! can"t wait to hear what happens next..LOVE YOU!!!!

  3. Oh. My. Goodness! I have tears in my eyes! Hannah said it very might as well have been sitting in front of us!!! Oh man! I hate that you went through all that as it is seriously quite a tramatic episode...but it does make for a great story in that God intervened on at least 3 occasions!!!! Thanks for the laugh!
