Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Poop Deck.

Heeeey, yoooooo. 

Your today.

To the point.....
So yesterday I got my nose double pierced!!! WOOOOTTTTTTT!!!

Don't be mad mommy and daddy... I love you..... 


It didn't even hurt that bad. Kind of felt like I got punched in the nose, but it was all good. I only teared up in one eye! (I didn't cry people! It's like when you get hit in the nose and you just start tearing up. K!)

So, besides that.. did you know I got front row to the Mumford and Sons concert?!!? Bahah, of course you know that. I've told everyone and their Grandmother. 

No, but really. So yesterday (your today) we all went to the YWAM ship. It was pretty freakin' cool


Hehhe, they even have a Poop Deck. Oh my immaturity to anything with farting and poop will never fade. Thanks Dad....... hahah

So yeah, we got a tour of the ship. Then we got handed little papers with our names on it, when we opened it up it had a part of the ship to go to. Mine said Bow. So, knowing me I went up to everyone I knew asking what on earth is a bow. Once I found out where it was I went to it and there were other people waiting along with me. Then one of the leaders came up, and he is out outreach leader. WE FOUND OUT OUR OUTREACH!!!!!!!!!!!! Trust me, I wasn't that excited when I found out. I felt like I just got slapped in the face, for just completely ignoring what God really wanted me to do. There was this once place that God kept placing on my heart to go to, but I just brushed it off.. cause I am a wimp. I felt terrible. I was just all in my "the world revolves around me" phase and just didn't listen to a word my leader said. On the bus ride home, Rachel just talked to me about it, held my hand, and I cried. I felt like a failure all over again. I always do this! So, when I got back I just kind of sat in the cafe. Tim and Andrea (who is also in my outreach group) (well not Tim) just talked to me about it. They really helped. A BUNCH. We all went on a walk and Andrea just kept talking about our outreach and how awesome it is going to be, so it got me more excited. God placed me there for a reason. So, I am not gonna keep on sulking, cause I'm the one who got myself into this position anyway. God is gonna do amazing things through us and for us while we are there. I know it. 

Oh yeah, so you probably wanna know where I am going, right?!

I am going to Cairns and PNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I knew God laid on my heart to do medical missions and to go to PNG. So, that is exactly what I will be doing. 
In PNG, we have the possibility to cure a village of Lyphatic Filariasis Disease (LF)If you don't know what it is, look it up, cause I am not too educated in it either. But, I know it's a huge problem there. And knowing that we could help be the cure for it in a village leaves me speechless. Isn't that crazy?!!? There will be other things my team and I will be doing also, but that is the main thing that lead me to putting this group down first. Besides the fact I was too scared to put down the other team first (I put it second) so, if God wanted me to be there. I would have been there.

Alright, well I need to scadadle everyone. I love you all!! 

God bless! 

p.s. Happy Halloween from Australia! Yeaah, yeah! And Happy birthday to my sister, Anna! I love you so, so much! You are such a precious person to me and I am so lucky I have you in my life. 

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