Friday, October 26, 2012

Week One!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It has been one whole week since I have arrived in Townsville, Australia! It's been a crazy adventure so  far and I have made such great lasting relationship with so many people. 
So lemme tell you a few things I have learned so far

1. God is good (durrrrr)

2. I develop some massive kankles from flying. (if you don't know what that is, it's when you can't even define your ankles.) My feet just swelled up! I had them for quite some time

3.Instead of saying Z like us Murican's do they say it like Zed. EMERGERD I'M SOOO AUSTRALIAN. I say Zed now... yup I'm cool. 

4. Walking in fun! I walk everywhere! 

5. I am more addicted to coffee and tea than ever before. I feel like there might be an intervention soon. I drink coffee in the morning, we get tea time everyday, and I drink tea during lectures and stuff.

6. Someone told me that you would gain a little bit of weight here and at first I didn't believe it, but now I do. All YWAMers do is eat! I LOVE IT

7. There is no such thing as "nice hot showers" here. I only take freezing cold showers. It's not fun, but you get used to it. 

8. Thus I don't bother to shower, but I never bothered to shower even when I had nice hot showers back in the states.

9. I underpacked waaaaaay underpacked. 

10. I developed some rash here... and I can't figure out what it is. Either heat rash or from switching face washes.  

11. Australian money seems so delicate to me. I always have to place it so gently and perfectly in my wallet, unlike American money... I just stuff it in there. 

12. THE FLOWERS ARE SO PRETTY HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

13. ^^ I put one in my hair like almost everydaaaay! YAY! But I have yet to see a sunflower... soooooo..... someone send me one. (I'm not joking)

14. That reminds me... someone be my pen pal! I will write back and send you like flowers or sand from the strand... or pieces of the croc I killed with my bare hands. 

15. I'm going for this whole accent change thing.. haha I'm such a loser. 

16. THANK YOU LORD... everyone here doesn't think I have a southern accent. Oh praise the heavenly Father up above. Someone even said that I have a news caster voice. I took it as a compliment. (Hopefully I won't develop manly hands)(Only my father would get that)(So none of you else read these)

17. Australia has such better clothes here. I'm defs going on a shopping spree at some point. If I have enough money. HAY! People send me money! Yeaaah send me money. I'll give you a big hug when I get back to the states

18. OH I FOUND MY CAMERA!! It was in my purse the whole time! Hahah, silly ole me

19. I love Tim. (only for his accent) (jk, he is a great person)

20.  I have come to terms that I am just gonna sweat a whole lot here. 

21. Ugh.. I need to shower. But looky here! I lost my brush! Booooooooooooooooooo. Typical me.

22. I miss my family

23. But everyone of them keeps telling me how proud they are of me and that makes me happy. Cause for once I feel proud of myself too. 

24. So, when I feel like times are getting hard and all I want to do is run into my daddy's arms... I just think. I have my Father here with me, always. And He has His arms around me the whole time, holding my hand through this whole experience. 

25.There are like two Mcdonald's around here. I haven't gone to them yet, but every time I think about it I wonder if they have sweet tea. Gosh, I miss sweet tea. I bet they don't even know what it is, so I don't think I will ever bother asking. 

26. So yeah! I love each and everyone of you! Skype me, iMessage me, stalk me on Facebook, or whatever you want. 

                     Peace out.

Oh wow... silly me. I forgot! Here are some pictures from the night hike I went on. It was the bestest
Beautiful skyline... aaaahh so breathtaking!

Mi homies y I on our hike!

It was a wee bit windy up thur.

FROGSSSS! A few of us even kissed one. My knight in shinning armor appeared. Haha just kidding. There is no such thing. 

OH! And last but not least. Today my sister, Sara, got married. I of course wasn't there. I feel terrible cause I missed it. My own sisters wedding... That just isn't right. I'm sorry Sara. Please know how much I love you so, so much. You are an amazing sister, mother, and now wife. I am so extremely proud of you and the woman you have become. I know you were the most beautifulest bride ever. I am with you there in spirit. But just know that this is what I am called to do right now. God put here for a reason. I love and miss you so extremely much and I am giving you the biggest hug right now. Can't wait to see pictures!

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