Thursday, October 25, 2012

It's not 6 months.... It's a lifetime

Alright.... so I freakin' love it here. God has already worked on me and through me. It's crazy. God definitely hand picked each and everyone of us here and something radical is about to happen. 

We are learning to hear God's voice. It's incredible. 

I'll try and keep this all short and sweet... but I don't think I have that ability.

Okay... so the other day we were just gonna have a normal day of worship. That didn't happen. 
In like the last some odd 20 years (or more I can't remember) this was like the 3rd time something like this has ever happened. In short, it was just about shutting doors behind us and just basically letting go of our past. We broke clay pots, walked through a door, and nailed shut the door as a symbolism to that. It might be weird to you, heck it was weird to me... but that was Christ. The Holy Spirit filled that room. We all let go of something that day, and it really brought us all a lot closer. 

So the other day a whole bunch of us went on a night hike. It was SOOOOOO beautiful!! I mean it was extremely difficult to do, but in the end the view was breathtaking. And I took bunches of pictures and I can't wait to show them to you.... once I find my camera. I seem to have lost it and I have no idea where it is. Let's pray that I find it! It will come up somewhere! 

But I do happen to have a some cute pics from the strand! YAY! It's so beautiful there. 
Let me give you a glimpse of where I live.....

Oh and this is for you mommy! It's beautiful here. You would love it. Go on Facebook and there are bunches more I took!

Here is a video to my family. I love and miss each and everyone of you guys so, so much! 

I have a prayer request guys! Last night, we found out where our outreaches are. There are bunches of places to go and each are doing something different. Pray that I hear God's voice and not my own on where He wants me to go. I will have to know by Monday my three options. So once I know for sure where I am going I will let you all know! 

Mmmm.... well I gotta go everyone. Much love. 


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