Saturday, October 20, 2012


Phew... I just had a minor heart attack.... my blog wasn't workin' there for a bit cause something about me going from American to Australia does something with stuff like that? IDK! But thanks to my good pal TAMMY I got everything sorted out! So thanks Tammy, you da bestest. 

Oh but here is my first picture of Australia. Ain't it beautiful?!?!?

Okay, so day 1 of my YWAM adventure is complete. As I said I got here yesterday morning around 10amish. At first I was just so full of excitement that I didn't really feel the jet lag. But slowly, but surely it crept in. And there are many different stages of tiredness I found out

At first I was just a wee bit tired, which is understandable! I just traveled for basically two days straight. But, I was okay enough to walk to the mall with some of my mates. We ended up staying there for an extremely long time. My group ended up running into some other of our YWAM team. So it was just one big YWAM family at the mall (the mall cop even told us to move cause we were just standing there) After being at the mall which seemed like forever we finally went back. 
We had pumpkin soup for dinner (which was DE-LISH!!!!!) and somewhat tasted like pizza when you dipped bread in it haha. 
Then we just got to just do whatever and we just sat around for a bit and then I decided to take a nice, hot shower cause I hadn't showered in like two days and I just smelt awful... especially my feet. And that nice, hot shower ended up being a freakin' cold shower! Oh it was awful.. but when you smelt like I did you needed to wash yourself no matter what the shower felt like. I don't know if that was just cause everyone else had already showered before me or if we just don't have hot water. 
But anywho... once I got all cleaned up I went back to the cafe and played some intense card games with Andrea. I can't remember the name of the game, but it was fun. And she did one card trick bunches of times! It was fun! But then more people started playing the card game with us and oh my lawdy it got crazy. All our tiredness just made us weird. We were laughing at nothing and just making weird noises. Well manly it was just Andrea and I doing that cause everyone else had been there for a couple of days. But it was like we were on drugs or drunk or something. It was that bad... but we were just so tired
So finally at around like 9:30p.m. we decided to go to bed. Andrea and I were walking to our rooms, laughing the whole way. We have code to get it and we still don't remember it. I was trying to punch in the code, but failed miserably. We were just laughing so hard. Someone came and saw our state and opened the door for us. Oh gosh, we just couldn't stop laughing! But once my head hit my pillow I was out. Then I woke up at 5:30a.m. and couldn't go back to sleep, so I just got up and went to the cafe. But lots of others were in the same situation I am and were up. So we all had coffee and breakfast. And then a couple of us went back to the mall and it was closed, so we came back and are waiting till it opens again to go back! I think we have a BBQ tonight and orientation is tomorrow! Whoop, whoop! I just luvvvv it here. 

Alright...well... umm.... KBYE! 
p.s. I hope you guys like reading all my long, ungrammared speeches, LOL

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