Monday, October 22, 2012

So far!

Alright, so wow.... God! You are so amazing. This is totally where I am meant to be. It's crazy. I have created so many new relationships here so fast!! Then yesterday we started our first day of DTS and oh my heavens! When we were in worship and people were talking it just hit me that I knew that myself and everyone here are just gonna get rocked by Christ! We aren't ever gonna be the same. I cannot wait to see how God is gonna just move each and everyone of us.

Here is a little bit of what I get to look at everyday! EEEE! Isn't God just so good?! That's in my lecture room!

Okay.... so the second day I was here we had a BBQ it was lots of fun! We played games and then had yummy food! I even tried a tiny, tiny piece of kangaroo and I felt so bad. I haven't even seen one and I already ate one. I'M SORRY YOU CUTE LITTLE ROOS. PLEASE DON'T KICK ME! 

Here are some pics from the BBQ. Just wanna throw it out there that I just love my whole YWAM family. 

Anddd.... this is me in the freeze pop competition. I lost miserably. But hay! At least we all know that I am extremely photogenic! 

Kaaay.... soooo then yesterday I told you all I had orientation and it was awesome! Then after din-din and some chattin' we all decided to go to the strand (the beach) it's a freakin' 45 minute walk there and back (I got blister on my feet from the walk,so I walked back barefoot). Good exercise I guess and SUCH pretty flowers! I'll post a picture of all the different kinds of pretty flowers there are when I get a chance... I haven't taken any yet! But I got six months... it's gonna happen! 
But are some more pictures!!!!! YAY!

Here are my mates and I (Tim and Rachel!)

Then pretty ole' me at the beach... IN AUSTRALIA! It's night time (obvi) so you can't really tell. But I am in the H20!!

Okaaayyyyayayayayayay, sooooooo...... um well yeah so I get free unlimited coffee and tea all day urry day. I am one happy, happy girl. Everyone has told me I drink coffee and tea way to much and I clearly know that. I actually have a cup of tea with me right now while I am typing this! 


Oh! And I tried my first Australian drink here. Oh my heavens it was soooo good! It was like a fruity soda. mmmm... soooo gerrrdddddd! 

OH! So today we did exercises. We have to exercise every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. I LOVE ITTT! I'm gonna come back to the states all in shape and what not. Some of us ran to the park and then did circuit training exercises. ERMERGHERD! I FELT THE BURRRN!
 We also got our ministry placements today. I filled out that I would do everything, but clean the kitchen cause I worked in a kitchen for four years and of course I got meal clean up! Ugh! It's like being back at my old job! But... ya know. It's okay. I work with three other beautiful girls and we all work really well together! So I guess it's just God telling me this is my place to play my part in serving Him and those around me!

K, everyone start being jelly of me. This sunday I get to go to this place called Bilabong and hold a kangaroo, touch a snake, and wrestle a croc. I CANNOT WAIT!!!!!! It's gonna be a blast and then Monday is the MUMFORD AND SONS CONCERTS! HOLY POOP I AM SO EXCITED! This will be the third time I have seen then! Hehehe.

Alright... well this is super duper long. I'm not sorry. I just have so much to tell you all and I hope I did. If not I'll just annoy you all with another longggg blog. Hahah, well love you all and God bless! Expect another novel in the near future and in the near future I mean like tomorrow...


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